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Comment Re:tell me again (Score 2) 1105

The problem is that technology has advanced to the point where creating those jobs is too expensive, and they employ highly skilled people who have no trouble finding a job anyway.
You no longer need 500 ditch diggers for your canal, it's a few engineers and skilled equipment operators.

A similar thing is happening to labor as happened to capital, it is all concentrating on the top few percent because of the force multipliers of technology and automation.
There are a some possibilities, but they are all politically unpalatable:
- Universal Basic Income (start low and increase until enough people drop out and live on it to make unemployment hit your desired %)
- Legally mandated (and enforced) maximum working hours (Start at 40 and drop until unemployment hits your desired %)
- Massive Bullshit Makework projects

Comment Re:And the network will unresolve it (Score 1) 595

In theory mining should be almost value neutral. The amortised hardware cost and electrical power consumed should be equal to value of the bitcoins that mining produces (with a fudge factor for the expected deflation of bitcoins).
There are reports of ASICs being sold for many multiples of their retail price. In the short term, this should reduce the amount spent on electricity.
If the hardware plateaus, then long term the hardware cost should become marginal, and the coins mined and transactions fees should be equal to the cost of the power.
As long as the hardware capability keeps improving, buying it will suck money out of the power bill.

Comment Re: death to children and teenagers. (Score 4, Informative) 343

"At least" they've only gone after Buckyballs, not the other manufacturers. I bought mine from NeoCube, as they're by far the cheapest for their large combo set. Buckyballs are expensive. As NeoCube and others (like Zen Magnets) generally only sell online, I'm not sure if they're in the CPSC's reach.

There's a banner on Neocube's website now that says :

Comment Re:Scientists Are Cracking the Primordial Soup Mys (Score 2) 278

The step from prokaryotic to eukaryotic took much longer - 3 billion years. It looks like that may actually be the difficult step.
Self replication is practically a given in the primordial soup environment. It doesn't need to be A directly creates copies of A.
It could be molecule A promotes B, B promotes C, C promotes D, .... all the way to ZZ9pluralZAlpha promotes A.
Any such loop, no matter how many steps, will optimise as it progresses. That's what evolution means.

ps. Even that is a vast simplfication. It is more like "the presence of A increases the chance of B forming C instead of D".
Millions of such "rules" acting together in the soup will produce self-promoting systems that eventually evolve into fully self replicating entities. ie Life.

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