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Comment Re:It wouldn't be ... (Score 1) 74

... due to someone dumping PFAs in that ocean

Not "someone".


PFAS (poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are in thousands of everyday products: food packaging, water/stain resistant clothing, carpets, firefighting foam, cleaning products, non-stick cookware (Teflon is a PFAS), gaskets, lubricants, shampoo, cosmetics, etc.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 4, Informative) 86

Quora OTOH is the creeping fungus

Quora is somewhat of a "writing" site like Medium rather than a question-and-answer site.

You're way more likely to see an answer written by a popular writer than someone giving a correct answer.

Also, writers can delete comments on their answers that they don't like. So they can post something completely wrong and then delete all the comments trying to correct them.

You can no longer exclude Quora results like you used to be able to when Pinterest was the big problem.

Why can't you append "-quora" to your query?

Comment Re: Makes sense (Score 3, Insightful) 86

Spammers are all over Reddit

Some forums have lots of spam. Others have very little.

Spammers target stupid people, so if you avoid stupid topics, you avoid most of the spam.

you'll see aff spam littered throughout any subs related to dating

Yup. But no spam in the FPGA sub.

Comment Re:Not a full test (Score 2) 69

Piloted aircraft are designed to be 99.9999% reliable.

Adding a nine doubles the cost.

99.9% is good enough for an unpiloted aircraft, making them much cheaper.

Leaving out the cockpit and all the life support stuff lowers the cost even more.

Unpiloted planes don't need training, just programming. So they don't need to be designed for thousands of flight hours. They can sit in a warehouse until needed.

So even if the kill ratio is 1 to 1 or even 3 to 1, drones are still a big win.

Comment Re:Our substitute for meaningful privacy legislati (Score 1) 54

Government wins when it says government can't do anything.

This isn't saying the government can't do anything.

It just says that law enforcement has to explain to a judge why they need the data. That's all. It's not a high bar.

Thousands of warrants are issued every day.

Comment Re:When you support terrorism your god hates you (Score 4, Informative) 63

This is what happens when you support terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah.

The UAE supports neither. The leadership of Hamas resides in Qatar, not the UAE.

The UAE has diplomatic relations with Israel and has pledged to maintain relations despite the current conflict.

The UAE sees Iran-backed Hezbollah as an enemy.

Comment Re: So absurd to pose this as a mystery (Score 1) 63

UAE doesn't burn oil to generate electricity.

They do burn gas, but much of it would otherwise be flared.

UAE's liquefication plants and export terminals are already running at capacity.

UAE plans to double their gas export capacity in the next few years, but peace in Ukraine is a risk.

Comment Re:They have money (Score 1, Informative) 63

Basically if most of the earths water is locked up in the poles, this would cause arid regions to form.

Your theory is the opposite of reality.

As temperatures rise, the ice caps melt, and deserts are expanding, not shrinking.

at the start of the Carboniferous period, the earth was fairly warm

There were warm regions and inland seas, but there were also large ice caps and big deserts.

Comment Re:Not mine (Score 1) 49

Why do you assume financing?

Money is fungible. If you don't spend the money on panels and batteries, you can pay off your credit cards, pay down your mortgage, or invest the money in T-bonds. Any of those will be a better use of your money.

There may be non-financial reasons to build a battery-backed solar system, but otherwise, spending $15k to save $90/month doesn't make much sense.

Disclaimer: I have solar panels (good investment). I do not have batteries (bad investment).

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