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Comment Re: Change in mindset [Re:Inevitability] (Score 2) 314

Yep, that sector has completely ruined everything for those of us who actually need to *work* the dang vehicle, a work truck and not a giant plastic penis. Myself and many co-workers are independent heavy mechanics. I can only afford *one* vehicle, and it has to be able to do everything. In America, most mechanics supply their own tools, even the dealership guys. And in my case that includes a welder and air compressor. On the back of the truck. EV's are a long, long way from being ready for that market. And Joe Blow Tinypenis has spent the last 20 years wrecking the pickup truck market for those of us who actually *work* the damn things.

Comment Re:Ha! And some moron maked this "insightful" (Score 1) 66

Suggested alternative: A mixed environment. How about democratic socialism, such as practised by the Dutch and Germans? How about a strong social safety net and labor/industry protections, in order to cut crime? The only flaw that I've found in modern "conservative" American thinking is that their idea has been tried, and failed, multiple times in the last couple hundred years. And it was not because they didn't try hard enough, or they weren't pure enough, or because of interference. It fails because "the market" is not sufficient to cause equitable outcomes, let alone anything resembling morally or socially desirable for long-term stability and health.

It would be great if we didn't need big government. But we do need it, because of big business. If you wanted everyone to be able to care for themselves and society without a big government, then you would need to find a way to triple everyone's pay without increasing prices. Good luck with that.

Comment Re:Bad timing (Score 1) 97

Forged aluminum rods are common in lawn mowers. Nowhere else in north america, outside of racing and perhaps motorcycles. Source: me. I've been welding and turning wrenches for a living for the last 30 years.

BTW with the possible exception of some heavy-duty trucks (not pickups) over 10,000 lbs, there is *zero* vehicles designed for long-term reliability available today for the individual consumer. Vehicles today are designed to separate you from your money, on an almost-subscription basis.

Comment Re:Florida Man (Score 1) 189

Pretty sure the crazies are everywhere. About 25 yrs ago we had some numbnuts came up from Tennesee, said he was gonna go over Niagara Falls in a kayak. Everyone told him not to. They still haven't found the body, or anything else for that matter. (I'm about 5 miles from there, and have a healthy respect for it... grew up fishing there.)

Comment Re:Hopefully it works (Score 1) 132

IMHO Salt Lake is far more sane than this thing. They were motivated by bare survival back then, having been hunted down near to death and persecuted everywhere. Early church leadership was very much into the "Age of Enlightenment" and continual self-improvement type of thinking. The entire rationale was completely different from what these guys are doing. The early settlers did it with their bare hands and backbreaking labor, no billionaires involved. Salt Lake eventually became "The Crossroads of the West"; what will this become?

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