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Comment Re:Good idea, however there are prerequisites: (Score 2) 107

2. It would have to be deep underground on the Moon to protect it from radiation.

From the summary:

Establishing the ark would involve sending the 6.7 million samples to the moon in multiple payloads, then storing them in a vault beneath the surface, where they would be safe. The idea is to store the ark within a network of lava tubes — about 200 of which were discovered beneath the moon's surface in 2013... These tubes have remained untouched for three to four billion years, and scientists suggest they could provide much-needed protection from solar radiation, meteors or temperature changes on the surface. While the moon is not hospitable to humans, its harsh features "make it a great place to store samples that need to stay very cold and undisturbed for hundreds of years at a time," they said.

Comment Re:The Internet is dead. (Score 0) 149

How can this be reality?

In 2020, the sadistic, underhanded scumbags at Google have started harassing me by faking "authentication failed" IMAP/SMTP errors randomly, preventing me from using "my" Gmail account. It doesn't help to log in with a browser (which works), even though they tell me to do exactly that. In spite of zero changes on my end, or to the account, it claims that the password is wrong. Until it stops claiming that, in a few days of denying me access to "my" e-mail account, preventing me from fetching or sending a single message for all that time. No explanation of any kind is given when they silently restore access, and it's of course impossible to contact them.

Have you paid Google for this email account? No, so it isn't 'yours'.

In October 2020, my local bank removed the basic feature of allowing you to log in to their website with a simple "PIN" code, in a very limited "read only" state, without being forced to deal with obnoxious and crippling hardware/surveillance units each and every time you want to do anything whatsoever. I used to be able to automate checking the current account balance, the latest transactions and whether or not there were any new "internal messages" with the bank personnel. Now, I no longer have a clue how much money there is in "my" account unless I go through the painful process of manually logging in with the stupid hardware device and entering all kinds of numbers. They arrogantly ignore all complaints about this and refuse to support any other "interface" other than their malicious spyware "smart app"; no API, no RSS feed, not even a lousy e-mail notification. Nothing. Oh, and it's "for my security", they did it to "enhance the customer experience", and they "welcome feedback"...

So you'd rather have anyone using a simple PIN to access your account balance?

Want to contact any random company these days? Expect an e-mail address on their site? Hah! What a joke! You will only be allowed the privilege of e-mailing them if you send all your data to Google (reCAPTCHA). And most force you to use their awful, broken form on top of that, with an absurdly low limit on the number of characters you can type. (Not that they ever read what I ask/tell them anyway...)

You clearly have no idea what reCAPTCHA is...

Have you noticed that people who call Tor "TOR" are always morons? From Tor's official website: 'Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.'


Comment more 'infringements' please (Score 4, Funny) 34

"Users must fill out a copyright removal request form, and when doing so we remind them to consider exceptions to copyright law"

Youtube says NIkola has to do all the work here. More people should be posting the video on Youtube. Maybe they'll get tired of filling out forms... Wankers.

Comment Re: 210,000 feet? (Score 1) 210

Yes, people think in terms of feet. It is a better unit for thinking, because sometimes you might want to think using rational numbers.

Yes, but if the number gets too high it looses meaning, because in general people don't understand large numbers. What's wrong with miles (39.77273 miles in this case, or better: almost 40)?

Comment Re:TikTok - spyware - ex clipboard monitoring (Score 1) 49

TikTok was found to be constantly extracting the contents of the clipboard. This makes it a spyware vector for a device to partially leak data from any app that supports copy/paste. This is just one example of spyware behavior found.

So did LinkedIn, you know owned by Microsoft!

Comment Privacy? (Score 1) 28

Not defending Facebook here, but I don't understand. Has the EU invaded the privacy of Facebook employees by asking questions? Facebook can surely deny such request when it DOES invade the privacy of its employees. Why do they need the General Court to intervene? Is the EU forcing them to hand over the documents even it those documents invade the privacy of its employees?

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