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Comment Re:Like who again? (Score 1) 446

Both are equally guilty of bullshit.

...and meanwhile Microsoft's Windows 8/RT team is probably sitting idly by somewhere watching all this 'bullshit' and laughing their asses off. Windows 8 and RT will give iOS and Android a run for their money. Maybe not at the outset, but eventually.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 228

A dual boot option is much more appealing when all the hardware just works and generally faster than in Windows. Ok not for everyone I know but it is a big negative when people find their printer isn't going to work in Linux.

If you're going to install a printer on a Linux system, make it an HP. Ubuntu and HPLIP especially seem like they were made for each other, nowadays anyway. HPLIP works fine in Fedora as well. Not sure about it on the other distros though.

Comment Re:Windows 8 is not a catastrophe.... (Score 1) 880

Windows 8 is a catastrophe only for those who use it with a keyboard and mouse. For the rest of us, it is the greatest desktop operating system.

That is if you're willing to wait for the OEMs to come forward with tablets that'll run Windows 8. Microsoft is sure to charge a pretty penny for both versions of Surface and will more than likely do anything to hold back OEMs' releases of tablets.

Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost... (Score 1) 329

A tool built almost entirely in javascript doesn't work with a JAVASCRIPT BLOCKER?!?!?!?!?11111111

That's just crazy talk.

But seriously, expecting to browse the modern web with noscript enabled just isn't sane.

No duh! If you're so afraid of being rained on by the web's foreign particles, use a text-based web browser like Lynx.

Comment Re:Oh but they ARE fixing iTunes (Score 1) 332

Flash's death would have been better if HTML5 were a more realistic competitor.

Oh, so now you're going to dump on lazy coders who don't want to even touch HTML5 just because it's 'new' or because they don't wan't to uproot the Flash architecture on their websites for fear of ending up with a load of crap they have to clean up afterwards. The only answer to this problem would be to keep the Flash version of the site running and have the HTML5 version running alongside with some kind of Flash detection engine written into the site's code. It'd be messy and would have to be done for quite some time, but it'd work.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 648

Well, these founders are starting to treat Hulu like a bad dog they're putting to sleep, just awful! And who's to say Netflix isn't next. The NYSE maybe? Netflix only gets a pass because it seems to be made of money these days (no thanks to the Quickster fiasco) and relies strictly on paying viewers. If Hulu had gone that route from the start, they wouldn't be in this mess.

Comment Re:Of course. (Score 1) 1174

To be frank, some of the staff at US airports appear to have an IQ barely above imbecility. I've been in the US four times, and nowhere else have I seen such unfriendly, unhelpful, and downright hostile personnel than at the airports. A man whose only job appeared to be holding a sign pointing to a gate refused to show us the way to the toilets. Another man went through our bags before we boarded and found the remains of a coconut which we'd intended to eat on the plane; he turned to me (I was 12 at the time), said "you must be a real idiot" and threw it in the garbage. If people like that are employed by the TSA, I'm hardly shocked that situations like the one with the little girl make the news every few weeks. If those dimwits don't know how to properly interact with passengers, put them in a position where they don't have to, or don't hire them.

Last year, we did a trip around Iceland. Before our return flight, when we waited at the security check, we found that we still had some 2 liter bottles of lemonade in our bags. So we started chugging away (don't like to waste food), and a security guy came up to us. He told us to relax and take the bottles on the plane. "This is Reykjavik, not New York. Have a nice flight."

Keep in mind that some of these TSA agents are actually cops that may have been fired for whatever reason by their jurisdiction, and they'd do anything just to make a get by in this economy and retain their experience at the same time. Some cops may actually start out as TSA agents instead of serving in the military or, for heaven's sake, being 'mall cops'.

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