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Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 1) 549

I'm just going to go ahead and call you an idiot for ignoring the obvious context. If you follow the context, you would see I'm mainly talking about protests and counter protests occurring in the same spot for political reasons with antifa being present, not people protesting with no counter protests.

Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 1) 549

It's not so much the counter protesting that is the issue. It's the violence that comes from counter protestors. This has been happening for well over a year now. Antifa has become increasingly violent, so now we see right wing protest groups arming themselves. It's a shame that it has come to this. If you want to protest, be armed.

Comment Re:Demoncrats lost their sense of humor (Score 1) 197

You bring up a point I hadn't considered. My first comment was just merely trying to reason out the validity of the claim off of a first impression and create some discussion. Verizon, for example, now has matching download and upload speeds for FIOS. I'm still used to thinking that ISP's cap their upload speeds at a tenth, or in some cases half, of the download speeds.

Comment Re:You got fired... (Score 1) 1256

You're right, this could be more cultural than biological, or some mixture. There's definitely something going on. First consider the lack of women in STEM fields combined with the fact that more women than men are going to universities and earning degrees. Women just simply aren't choosing STEM as their choice of study for a career path, whatever the reason might be. 20 years ago a big push started with engaging young girls in education and STEM topics.

If we look more closely at the STEM stuff, there's been a decline of women wanting to get STEM degrees, not more women, in that same 20 year push. Women are largely choosing other areas in STEM.

Maybe it's cultural, maybe it's biological, maybe it's both. The big push that started 20 years ago is an effort to balance out the cultural aspect. Either the efforts, as far as tech go, have horribly failed, or, women have a predisposition against tech.

It's incredibly difficult to get something close to a 50/50 split in an industry, if that's the companies stated goal, when the available pool of candidates just aren't there.

Comment Re:You got fired... (Score 2) 1256

This was your opportunity to point out one specific thing at the very least. Instead you wave your hand and say something specifically non-descript so you can weasel your way out of this. It's clear you have zero intent of actually discussing this issue, but are here to regurgitate talking points you were fed by the MSM. You're either a shill or a useful idiot.

Comment Re:Hinting at Biologically Inferior? (Score 1) 1256

More women are going to college and getting degrees then men now. They literally make up more than half of the collegiate population, yet, for whatever reason, they still are opting out of tech for their degrees. Them wanting different things in life is a very spot on observation, especially given this fact that they are out earning men in terms of degrees.

Comment Re:You got fired... (Score 2) 1256

what he did was embarrass his employer

Huh? What he did wasn't embarrassing to his employer! The people who leaked it were out to embarrass Google to get him in trouble. The whole memo stayed inside of Google until then, for a whole fucking month.

assert at least some portion of his female coworkers were unworthy

Citation fucking needed.

Submission + - Tesla shocks Wall St. with huge earnings surprise and actual profits (

anderzole writes: Tesla on Wednesday posted its earnings report for the quarter gone by and investors will have a lot to cheer about. While analysts on Wall St. were expecting Tesla to post a loss, Tesla during its September quarter actually posted a profit, and an impressive profit at that. When the dust settled, Tesla posted a quarterly profit of $22 million and EPS of $0.71. Revenue for the quarter checked in at $2.3 billion.

Illustrating how impressive Tesla’s performance was this past quarter, Wall St. was anticipating Tesla to post a loss amid $1.9 billion in revenue for the quarter.

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