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Comment One more reason to like the guy (Score 2) 343

After my physics degree I thought it would be a good idea to learn something about business so I got an MBA.

While at business school I couldn't believe the crap they teach there. Especially the believe in the efficient market hypothesis is a joke.

But it wasn't all a waste of money. Having to get everything done as part of a diverse team, while being swamped with work, did prepare me well for consulting, and according to my wife markedly improved my social skills :-)

Comment Better chances if you do not have one? (Score 2, Interesting) 343

As a one-time worker bee who is now a part of senior management (with an MPA and not an MBA, although they are pretty similar) I understand what he is saying but I disagree that people should have a better chance of being hired because they have the three letters next to their name.

I hire for open reqs based on the PERSON and their SKILLSET, not the degree they may or may not hold. You know, the way it should be. What Musk is promoting through another one of his ridiculous soundbites is that we should pay more attention to degrees (good or bad) than the skills someone brings along with them.

Musk can be absolutely brilliant and incredibly and insanely stupid all at the same time.

Comment Re:Bummer (Score 2) 258

Yes, but what if they put some really icky radar swallowing paint on their drone? Since all the military tech is top secret I cannot know the dreck that it may contain. I prefer the familiar horrors.

Comment Re:A century ago, Progressives (Score 1) 926

The labels are meaningless, probably most self-identified progressives would also identify as individualists. The fact that you keep grasping for them shows me how deeply ingrained this idea of a one dimensional political spectrum seems to be.

It effectively prevents Americans from coming together to champion common causes that cut across this divide e.g. fighting the ever increasing surveillance, the pointless war on drugs, overseas military adventures that have no benefits to the average American, and a financial industry that has become a drag rather than an enabler for the productive economic sectors.

Comment Re:Wave-particle duality is not the interesting bi (Score 2) 95

Indeed, the understanding of decoherence has fortunately made great strides since Bohr and Heisenberg coined the Copenhagen Interpretation, and we have a much better understanding of how the interference 'dissipates'.

You are exactly putting the focus on the remaining most intriguing puzzle, why do we experience a single reality? I.e. only see one moon, as Einstein put it. To me it seems there's a deep link between decoherence and entropy lurking in there, something, that despite all the QIS progress, we still don't quite capture.

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