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Submission + - Apple iPhone Preview

Saro writes: "Looks like the Apple iPhone is real. Boasting a 480 x 320 (3.5") touchscreen, 4 or 8GB of storage, 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth with EDR, WiFi and a quad band GSM radio with EDGE. This all fits in a 11.6 mm thin shell. The kicker? It runs OSX. Plenty of pictures over at Engadget."

Submission + - Kernel 2.6.20

mcalwell writes: "For only being a release candidate the Linux 2.6.20 kernel has already generated quite a bit of attention. On top of adding asynchronous SCSI scanning, multi-threaded USB probing, and many driver updates, the Linux 2.6.20 kernel will include a full virtualization (not para-virtualization) solution. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (or KVM for short) is a GPL software project that has been developed and sponsored by Qumranet. In this article we are offering a brief overview of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine for Linux as well as offering up in-house performance numbers as we compare KVM to other virtualization solutions such as QEMU Accelerator and Xen.

http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item =623&num=1"

Submission + - Critical Security Issues 2006: Firefox vs. IE

bean_tmt writes: "SecurityFocus has a nice little quip about the number of days IE and Firefox both spent in 2006 with unpatched critical security issues. As you might have guessed, IE had more days with unpatched critical security issues than Firefox, but check out the numbers! The article states that based on information published by Microsoft and from information gathered by interviews with researches, the Washington Post learned that these critical security issues put IE users were at risk for 284 days in 2006. Firefox only had *one* instance of a critical security issue that was patched after nine days."

Submission + - Google Earth has left beta.... again

dickeya writes: Approximately one year after the Google Earth version 3 client moved out of beta, the version 4 beta has done the same. The official announcement hasn't posted, but from the Google Earth Blog:

Google Earth 4 is officially released! The beta program began 6 months ago, and now almost exactly 1 year after GE 3 was released, GE 4 is no longer in beta (latest version is 4.0.2722). See the Google Earth home page for details, or just go download GE 4 now. GE 4 has many new features not available in the earlier version. Many of the features have been described in this blog over the past few months. Here are some highlights and why you should definitely consider upgrading.

If you haven't checked it out lately, now's a good time.

Submission + - BitTorrent vs. Usenet

An anonymous reader writes: Slyck.com is running an interesting article which compares the attributes of BitTorrent, and the up-and-coming revival of Usenet. The results are quite surprising.

Submission + - Has Digg Raised the Quality of Slashdotters?

jav1231 writes: "Given the idea that there is a competition between Digg and Slashdot, does it seem that the average response on Slashdot has gotten better? I'm seeing far less flamebait-like responses. Furthermore, even controversial posts that have some point and reason to them are given opportunities that before would have been vehemently (and dare I say childishly) buried and modded down. Has Digg served Slashdot well by funneling off the less mature among us?"

Submission + - Google and Apple sued over online video patent

Oddscurity writes: "El Reg reports Intertainer, Inc. filing a lawsuit against Google, Napster and Apple. The company alleges their 6925469 patent for a 'Digital entertainment service platform' is infringed upon by the offerings of the named companies, and seeks an injunction and unspecified damages.

The suit was filed with a Texas court, of course. Too bad Intertainer hasn't been made aware that software patents put an industry at risk, happily announcing their intention to become Yet Another Patent Troll (tm). But as noted in the article: "Intertainer did not file the application for the patent in question until 2001, five years after the company was founded and after some companies were already offering video and audio material for download. That delay in filing could complicate the company's claims.""

Submission + - Dracula's Castle for sale in Romania: price $77m

galaad2 writes: Want to own the real castle that was the source of all the vampire stories? Want to have your very own vampire castle? Here's your chance!

The Transylvanian castle of Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula, is on sale for £40 million [timesonline.co.uk] (around 77 million dollars).

Bran Castle [telegraph.co.uk], near the historic city of Brasov, in central Romania, is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations because of its association with 15th-century Prince Vlad Tepes III, also known as the Impaler for his favoured method of executing opponents.

The local town council has preemption rights, they have 30 days to review the offer, and then the property will be put on the market.

Extra info: wikipedia article about Bran Castle
The Internet

Submission + - Chacha people-powered search engine

KindredHyperion writes: "Just discovered this new "people-powered search engine", called ChaCha. The idea is that when you search for a term you get allocated a guide who is a supposed "internet expert" who will then work with you live through a chat window to find the result you're looking for. So far my experience with it has been mixed. But if the right people sign up as guides, it could become a very useful search system. The question is whether anyone would actually be bothered to give up their time to help other people use the engine... certainly something to watch. This article is from the Sydney Morning Herald, and was posted on the inventor, Scott Jones' website."

Submission + - Satellite TV to go

sleeves writes: Well, this (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/08/technology/08sa tellite.html?ref=technology) looks like something fun for when I'm rich and famous...

Submission + - Second Life Goes Open Source

jon.wolf writes: Linden Labs, the company behind the popular MMO Second Life has released the source code to the client application under the GNU GPL 2 licence. From the article:
Stepping up the development of the Second Life Grid to everyone interested, I am proud to announce the availability of the Second Life client source code for you to download, inspect, compile, modify, and use within the guidelines of the GNU GPL version 2.

Submission + - Bill Gates funds anti-net neutrality Congressman

amigoro writes: "It has emerged that Bill Gates funded an anti-neutrality Congressman at the last election. He gave $2,000, the maximum possible, to Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), who voted against Markey's "Net Neutrality Act of 2006". He also meant to be working closely with another anti-net neutrality Congressman, Cliff Stearns.

This is hardly surprising, considering the fact that Microsoft stands to lose, not gain, from net neutrality."

Submission + - Yahoo! busy with new mobile search and Opera deals

An anonymous reader writes: Yahoo is crazy busy this morning with 3 major stories...
  • New Mobile Search oneSearch
  • Deals with Nokia, Samsung, RIM, 3 Group
  • Exclusive mobile search deal with Opera browser
Get the full story on each of the major deals above here: Yahoo's busy day
Data Storage

Submission + - One Terabyte DVD

MindlessPhilosophy writes: "A research team at the University of Central Florida led by Kevin Belfield has recently made a major breakthrough in Data Storage and Photonics with the development of a one terabyte DVD (Central Florida Future). From the article: 'While initial applications for the DVD will likely be for the military, large corporations and the medical field, Belfield is also excited about the possibility of consumer applications — especially in the gaming industry.'"

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