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Comment Re:Stop the emotion, use logic next time. (Score 1) 362

Maybe San Fran ought to hire Google to run it's busses.

So it can create a bus service until one day when it decides, "We've decided to discontinue this service, because, well, none of your business".

Why not let Google run the fire department too? They'll put out your fire as long as you sign off on their terms of service.

Comment Not to worry (Score 0, Troll) 362

With the Google-driven gentrification of the Bay Area, Google expects the poor people to have been driven away thanks to rising rents before long.

This is really a cynical move by Google. If they really wanted to do something for poor people, they'll build some dormitories for their employees to live in so people who have lived in a neighborhood all their lives, raised kids in their house and hoped to spend the rest of their lives there won't find themselves priced out of their own homes by a bunch of rich weenies moving in all around them.

Fuck Google. I don't trust them one bit.

Comment Re:As Frontalot says (Score 1) 631

I see, so none of the exchanges I discussed count as exchanges because, why exactly?

Because they are not exchanges. There is no agency.

Do you believe the young sheep has a choice in the "exchange" of his meat for the lion's meal? Not every transaction is a market. Not all economies are markets.

As I said, a "market" is a term of art. It has a specific meaning. Clearly, my use of to try to clarify the meaning was too much for you, so maybe start with a dictionary.

Sorry, I know more about economics than you ever will.

Son, if you can't understand the most basic terms, how can you say you know anything at all? You have used the terms "economies", "markets", and "exchanges" interchangeably. Look back at your posts to see what I mean. They don't mean the same thing at all.

I said, "there are no markets in nature" and you came back with, "That's bullshit," and went on to describe an economy. I explained that those terms are not the same, and you came back with "but exchanges...!"

When you are able to understand the differences, then you can go on to learn something about economics. You are not there yet.

Comment Re:Snappy answers to simple questions (Score 1) 794

I don't recall the Creation Museum trying to get creationism taught in public schools either.

Not so much the museum itself, as the organization that runs it, "Answers in Genesis".

Plus, there seems to be a cooperative approach to the effort to teach creationism in schools in Kentucky. There is quite a bit of public money that was put into both the Creation Museum and the "Ark Project", which I assume is an attempt to recreate Noah's Ark so the evangelical can put a mating pair of every species on board when the inevitable flood comes to wash away the homosexuals and Democrats.

I've actually been to the Creation Museum, my wife and I disguising our secular humanism and going undercover as rubes. It was an illuminating experience, sort of surreal. My favorite part, was an exhibit showing the dangerous results of moral relativism, which apparently are smoking weed and watching porn (yes, both are depicted). I'm not sure what that has to do with Jesus riding dinosaurs, but since we had already made our Grace Offering at the door, I figured I'd just go with it.

In defense of the Creation Museum, I can at least say this much: They are not as dishonest as the Discovery Institute, which tries to hide it's belief in a literal Genesis by misapplication of scientific inquiry mixed with outright pseudoscience and willful ignorance of modern biology. At least the folks at the Creation Museum put their beliefs right out front. I can respect the courage it takes to promote a "young Earth" model. Of course, being in Kentucky makes it easier because you're less likely to encounter someone who's cracked a high school biology text.

Comment I'm OK with ethernet in cars (Score 3, Funny) 180

As long as I don't have to make my own cables.

One of the longest days of my life was many years ago when I told a friend I could wire up his little storefront business if he bought a spool of Cat5 and a bunch of connectors.

I sat there with that crimping tool and my fumblefingers and invented entire new categories of curse words. A friend from a local Army base came by and for a few slices of pizza and a six-pack he knocked out those cables like nothing.

It was a humbling experience. Which I probably should not have shared here on Slashdot because you guys were probably all making your own ethernet cables since your were like five years old.

Comment Re:I wonder about the legality though (Score 1) 148

What if I put an XBox360 in a locked room with no windows, turned it on with a kinect camera pointing at a sign which threatens a top political figure.

Ten bucks if you try it right now and post the video.

Legally it would be extremely questionable

Oh, I'm sure that's gonna stop the NSA. Shall we find out?

Comment Re:Who are they? (Score 1) 465

While it is a loaded word, I do not think it is inappropriate here. While adherents have talked about how BTC could help the developing world, its primary utility is to people who are in strong economic positions. BTC is a bit of a luxury toy, it solves primarily philosophical problems that become important when not only basic needs have been met but luxury needs are already partly sated. The community built around it has, at its core, the idea that they are owed more by society then they are getting (even though they are already benefiting from the main economy more then the vast majority of humans and more then a significant majority of people in the 1st world) and BTC part of that idea.

You said that so much better than I could. Thanks.

Comment damage (Score 1) 794

So, why do many of us perceive Whole Foods and the Creation Museum so differently?

Because I can ignore the food shop if I don't care, it only corrupts those who go there voluntarily. Creationists, on the other hand, are corrupting public schools, classrooms and textbooks with their bullshit.

Any food fanatic who triest to force his pseudo-science down the throats of school-children deserves the same opposition, but as long as they don't, they're not quite as evil as the religious child-mind-rapers.

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