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Comment Re:Glad to see Iran moving into the 20th century (Score 1) 156

I bet you are really a hoot at parties!

(hoot (v.) "to call or shout in disapproval or scorn," c. 1600, probably related to or a variant of Middle English houten, huten "to shout, call out" (c. 1200), which is more or less imitative of the sound of the thing. First used of bird cries, especially that of the owl, mid-15c. Meaning "to laugh" is from 1926. Related: Hooted; hooting. A hoot owl (1826) is distinguished from a screech owl.)

Comment Serious question (Score 5, Insightful) 216

Given - The need for healthcare approaches infinity. I.e. goal is every single person on earth to be in perfect health for a long a life as possible. (don't forget pets, endagnered species, zoo animals, etc.) Challenge question for those who want to change the subject. If this is not the goal, what is it?

Given - Health care resources are finite. If not finite, why and proof please

Question - What is the "best" (fairest, most efficient, etc. ) way to allocate resources to healthcare? Bonus question - Who decides?

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