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Comment Dieting sucks the big juicy one! (Score 2) 124

The more I diet the hungrier and grumpier I feel. Some claim that feeling eventually goes away, but I'm skeptical. As soon as I smell bacon or fries while dieting, my body throws a hissy fit. At my age fries can feel better than sex, or at least make me happier longer.

There's a reason fat people are more jolly. A dieting Santa would shout, "Git your own damn presents! I'm not your slave!"

Gimmie knockoff skinny pills and tell the regulators to shove a fry up their bacon!

Comment Re:But all I want is text search (Score 3, Insightful) 100

Indeed! Substring search with rudimentary Boolean would be good enough for me the vast majority of the time. The UI could be like this:

Find documents with words that
[Contain|v] [_____________]
[And|v] [Contain|v] [_____________]
[And|v] [Contain|v] [_____________]
[And|v] [Contain|v] [_____________]
[_] Case Sensitive [_] Search file name only

"|v" represents a drop-down list. The left-most drop-down would be And, Or, & Not, and the middle would be Contain, Start-With, End-With, & Equal. The Or's would be grouped together. For example:

Words that [Equal] AA
[Or] [Equal] BB
[Or] [Equal] CC
[And] [Equal] DD

Would be "show all documents having the word DD and at least one word of AA, BB, or DD."

I've coded UI's like this multiple times, and they rarely confuse users (after experimenting a little).

If MS merely perfects bicycle search science, we don't need rocket science. Industry is too eager to shove in buzzwords rather than improve what mostly works, making bloated buggy messes. The most annoying excuse is "but it's not enterprise/web-scale". Most projects are not giant. Why bloat up the 98% for the 2% biggies? The web-scale thing is probably not AI-related, but you get the idea. Like AI, web-scale trigger's me-too-ism. I'm putting your whippersnappers on a buzzword diet until you git off my lawn!

(This is Monday, so there's probably a Major Typo. Yes, that is partly a military joke.)

Comment Re:Cherry-picking? (Score 1) 40

My indirect point wasn't that they all should be shut down, but rather this smells like China bashing or boogymanning (boogytizification?).

I haven't seen how this alleged breach is related to the origin of TikTok, but maybe I missed something? It's something China can do to the other sites also.

Comment Re:Scope Creeps (Score 1) 110

No, I'm saying it was a lucky coincidence due to the way the domain changed, or didn't change. We can't expect lucky coincidences to happen often.

Where the gov't often does help is with forming standards to reduce vendor repetition and incompatibility. It may take R&D to test such standards, with the help of industry.

Comment Re:Monopolies can thumb their noses (Score 1) 67

The Cloud business is kind of like the nuclear power business. Even though the average risk is probably lower than the alternatives, mistakes make the news and quickly damage your reputation. All the big cloud vendors will probably suffer at least one embarrassing outage or breach.

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