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Comment Re:There are no aliens (Score 4, Interesting) 172

Basically it is the only plausible explanation of the Great Silence in the universe of trillions stars and planets.

Or maybe what they're using for communications is a bit beyond what we have. Keep in mind that modern communications here would be pretty much unintelligible (and undetectable) as recently as 100 years ago. Hell, if we could describe what we use now to someone in WW2, they'd still not be able to receive our signals in all likelihood.

Comment Re:what about joining the 2 power girds in better (Score 4, Informative) 111

I'm remembering that the current terrible reactor designs were adopted largely because the American military WANTED more Plutonium.

Umm, no. A reactor that produces meaningful amounts of plutonium is a VERY special case. A civilian reactor produces almost none. Any reactor producing significant amounts of plutonium-239 is meant to do so.

As far as the US military is concerned, producing Pu-239 is a byproduct of...are you ready for this?...a reactor designed specifically to produce Pu-239 in quantity...

Note that Fukushima worked out the way it did because the Japanese anti-nukes wet themselves at the word "nuclear" just like the American anti-nukes. And for all that Fukushima sterilized most of Japan, it only managed to kill ONE person over the span of eight years. Which was about average for a nuke plant. A bit better than wind generators, in other words...

Comment Re:Oligarchy or plutocracy (Score 1) 32

A less corrupt Supreme Court could overturn corrupt rulings. It's not like they had very cogent arguments to begin with. Their reasoning on Roe was about as bad as "separate but equal" and should be easy to overturn with competent arguments if you added enough honorable judges (of just about any political leaning.)

Ummm...the ruling that made corporations "people" was NOT Roe-v-Wade, The ruling in question was made in 1906...

Comment No biggie (Score 1) 78

We created $2.2T out of nothing, this $2.4T almost compensates for that one.

So, Biden saw this coming, and poofed a couple trillion dollars into existence that would have been straight inflation, but this way he can blame it on a small subset of the working population...

Comment Re:Non-reusable (Score 2) 42

Note that four Falcon-Heavy launchers can put more payload to LEO than SLS can.

Which means that four Falcon-Heavies could send mission to the Moon slightly larger than an SLS can manage. While being 2/3 reusable (8 of the Falcons, plus the capsule).

Admittedly, the SpaceX version would be expensive - on the order of $400 MILLION! What's that you say? That's only 10% of the cost of an SLS launch??

Note also that Starship is the Lunar lander for the SLS program. Again, for a fraction of the cost of an SLS, and 100% reusable to boot....

Comment Re:Non-reusable (Score 1) 42

Ah, but the Millionaire is throwing HIS car away if her does that. The government is throwing OUR money away. Always easier to throw OPM (Other People's Money) away than to throw your own money away.

And what with NASA throwing a lot of OPM at diverse problems, Congress (who decides who the money is thrown to) is happy (buying votes with OPM is a great way to have a long career in the House or Senate).

In other words, it's a win-win...

Comment Re:What money really is ? (Score 1) 76

Shit ideas don't become good ideas because dumbfucks voted for them.

True enough. So, what makes you think YOUR ideas are good ideas? As opposed, say, to MY good ideas?

Alas, while democracy sucks as a form of government, it sucks LESS than all the other forms we've tried from time to time...

In other words, till you can PROVE that your ideas are better than mine (or anyone else's), you'll just have to deal with the fact that not everyone (probably not even most people) agrees with you.

Comment Re:Where's the research to stop NIMBYism? (Score 1) 135

fusion is likely to be dramatically less radioactive than burning coal (which releases radon, etc.)

Yeppers. Burnin g coal releases far more radioactives than fission in normal operation. Hell, over its lifetime, a GW coal plant will release more radioactives than a fission plant even if you assume that something like Chernobyl is "normal" for fission plants.

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