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Comment Cautiously optimistic (Score 1) 63

I'm cautiously optimistic about this news. I'm just a casual game. I suspect that the vault will contain games that are 8-10 months old or older and have negligible sales. I don't mind paying 30$ a year to play older games. What this will do is eat into the secondary used game market (Gamestop, EB Games, Future Shop, etc..) as it will be cheaper to rent these older games than to buy even one used game, putting money in EAs pockets instead of these types of stores.

This being EA however, I wouldn't be surprised to see something like online multiplayer being a paid for DLC or something crazy like that, but time will tell.
The fine print also states that they can drop games from the vault at any time, so you can be SOL if you're in the middle of completing a game and that game is pulled. And the fine print also makes it very clear that this is a rental service. Stop paying for your sub and you lose access to the games that you downloaded.

Comment DC Omnibus (Score 2) 165

My personal suggestion is to go back where the superhero genre first started. DC Comics released a Superman Omnibus last summer (

If you want to read about the golden age, Paul Letvitz (long time DC comics writer and one time President) wrote a great book entitled The Olden Age of DC Comics (Amazon)

Comment Sony is crapping the bed (Score 2, Informative) 93

Sony is really crapping the bed with the PS4. Very few games compared to XBox One, more exclusives going to XB1, dropping free multiplayer in PSN+, and now things like this. All things that PS fanboys used to make fun of in regards to Xbox. It's like they took most of what was great at the PS3 and did a full 180. Whereas I'm finding the XB1 to be a fabulous platform.

(Disclaimer: I own both a PS4 and Xbox One and I'm not a 'fanboy' of either companies. Just calling it like it is)

Comment My backup solution (Score 1) 983

I have a similar set up. Between music, movies and photos I'm close to the 15TB range. I'm selective as to what I back up however.
I don't back up commercial movies or music. I have the CDs/DVDs/Blurays that I ripped. If something were to happen to the NASes that's holding that media I can always re-rip. For movies/tv shows, I find myself only watching them once or twice, so if something were to happen I probably wouldn't be re-ripping most of my collection. What would probably need to be re-ripped right away would be the Barney/Dora/Thomas DVDs for the kids. For music it's fairly quick to rip (and even faster to download :P ).

The only things I back up are home movies and photos. For home movies I backup the uncompressed files, but for photos I don't back up my RAW files, only the jpegs. Those are backed up to external hard drives that I keep either at my desk at work or at my parents' place. If by some weird coincidence I would lose those as well, a great deal of my home movies were uploaded to Youtube (private) and selected important pictures to Flickr.

  With that much data, what it comes down to for me is what I absolutely do not want to lose or can't afford to lose.

Comment Tons (Score 1) 531

The very first thing I install on a home machine is an antivirus/antimalware app, since it's Windows after all. Followed by Chrome to download and install drivers/apps for my peripherals (printer, videocard, dsl camera, scanner, etc..). Once that's done comes Thunderbird, Mozbackup (to transfer my old emails/addons) and VirtualBox (With Ubuntu, Edubuntu). Followed by Photoshop and Premiere. Then Steam, Origin and World of Warcraft. The rest I do like you, install them as required.

Submission + - Dice Holdings has written off Slashdot Media at the close of 2013 ( 3

moogla writes: Apparently could not make Slashdot work they way they wanted to; with a murky plan to tap into the Slashdot-reader community to somehow drive attention or insight into other Dice Holdings properities, they've burned through

$7.2 million of intangible assets and $6.3 million of goodwill related to Slashdot Media

and have only started to realize some improvement on related sites. With ad revenue declining and not expected to pick up (read: everyone who uses Slashdot uses adblocking softwarwe), it appears that the Slashdot stewardship experiment by Dice Holdings has been a financial failure. Since the site has been redesigned in a user-hostile fashion with a very generic styling, this reader surmises Dice Holdings is looking to transform or transfer the brand into a generic Web 3.0 technology property. The name may be more valuable than the user community (since we drive no revenue nor particularly use's services).

Submission + - Fuck beta 1

An anonymous reader writes: The beta is bad. It's so bad. The comments are reduced in screen width about 50%. Subject lines are deemphasized, scores are minimized, etc.

The discussions are the reason to come to Slashdot, and the beta trivializes them entirely. It looks like the comment section on a generic news site.

The comments now look like an afterthought, whereas they used to be the primary focus of the site.

Submission + - User Backlash at Slashdot Beta Site ( 3

hduff writes: Look at almost any current Slashdot story and see loyal, long-time members rail against the new site design, willing to burn precious karma points to post off-topic rants against the new design and it being forced on users by the Dice Overlords. Discussion has begun to create an alternate site.

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