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Comment Re:Not legal here. (Score 1) 286

Really the goal should just be to make the tailgater go away, which I do by just gradually slowing down to about 50 m.p.h. on the freeway. They eventually pass. Mind you I'm in the slow lanes while doing this, where of all places I should be allowed to follow the law without someone trying to drive up my tailpipe.

Comment Re:You're gonna get old (Score 1) 375

So, here's the deal. I went back to school at age 45 to get a masters in CS. I don't fit the profile here. Sure, I'm chronologically older, but I'm in that enthusiastic stage and happy to put in the hours, and I'm not a very expensive employee because I'm "new". Plus, I have a lot of insight into working with people that a lot of the younger folks around me see to be missing sometimes.

Is ageism really based on how one works or is it really just about not being cool any more because one is older?

Comment Re:They'll be giving them machine guns next.. (Score 1) 40

"Head is kind of a Lyle Lovett rictus."

That is hilarious, although I got the impression of a relative of Max Headroom.

Interesting that they made it a lefty. Also, from the photos it appears as though the computer vision cameras are not in the robot but rather perpendicular to the line between robot and participant.

Comment Re:Predictable (Score 2) 341

Technically, I suppose. But from the second sentence of that article:

" It is colloquially referred to as a hydrogen bomb or H-bomb because it employs hydrogen fusion, though in most applications the majority of its destructive energy comes from uranium fission, not hydrogen fusion by itself."

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