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Submission + - Obama smartphone choices (wsj.com)

highphilosopher writes: After getting a bear hug from a pizza guy, when handed an iPhone the President of the United States was unsure how to dial a number. He said "See, I still have a blackberry."
How does the populous of slashdot feel about the President still carrying a blackberry.
Sidenote, have any of you ever had trouble dialing a number on any smartphone?

Submission + - What to do with found calculators 1

Covalent writes: "I'm a science teacher and have, over the years, accumulated a number of lost graphing calculators (mostly TI-83s). After trying to locate the owners, I have given up and have been loaning them out to students as needed. I want to something more nerd-worthy with them, though. I would feel wrong for selling them. What is the best use for bunch of old calculators?"

Comment Re:Raspberry Pi (Score 1) 423

Windows in that sense is better (if you can call it that)

You can't call it that, period.

Not that I'm a hater, rather I'm a Mac person.

That being said the one thing that really grinds my gears is when people feel like their drive letters give them warm fuzzy feelings. They're pointless relics of an aged command line OS. Nothing more.

Comment Re: Technical Knowledge (Score 1) 76

OR, just grab for the personal info, and take lists of credit card numbers to other countries south of the U.S. and sell a list of 5-6k cc numbers with names/addresses for $5k cash apiece.

So I've been told. Not that I've done anything like that.

Seriously though, if you got the skills, start on the other side. Get paid by the big corps to penetration test their networks. Use your skills and don't even worry about covering your tracks. This is a Much better approach.

Comment Re:minimum-security prison is no picnic. (Score 1) 76

minimum-security prison is no picnic. I have a client in there right now. He says the trick is: kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be all right.

I'm pretty sure I heard that quote in a movie. What, no-one's delivering him crepes in bed now? Yeah, that's gotta be hell.

If he's a pretty big buy, maybe someone is serving him creeps in bed instead!!!

Comment Re:Well, I was forced to serve them hamburgers (Score 1) 481

How does this get modded insightful. The only phone you could possibly own that wasn't made in china is (possibly) a Nokia. See this article:

Either way, they're coming from china. Even if the phone wasn't assembled in china, I'd almost drop a fifty on the fact that most of the components went through there, or at least the battery was made there.

If this story bothers you, stop carrying any mobile device (and probably stop using computers altogether).

Anyone want to venture at where the servers that run /. were made?

I'm not saying it's right, just pointing out the terribly obvious.

Comment Re:Age 6 is a little bit too early, methinks (Score 1) 307

I'd put money on Psychological wounds if they started with VB. Hell I started it in my twenties after watching some of the most brutal video game and movie horrors made to that date. I'm still scarred from it. It makes Freddy Kreuger look funnny.

"Oh no! Trapped and the only way out is to saw my arm off if I want to live? Well, at least I didn't have to end that with an EndIf. AHHH DAMN YOU VB!!!!!"

Comment Re:No. No. Fuck no. (Score 1) 288

So it seems you're saying that to achieve socialism we first need to stockpile the work of the productive people. Don't we do that already? As a productive member of society, I stockpile more of my resources than the non-productive members. Therefore, by being a good capitalist I can look forward to a Utopian society! SWEET!

Comment Re:My Reaction (Score 1) 282

From one not-so-Anonymous Coward to another...

Quit being so stereotypical. "Everyone" doesn't think that way. And I have to clue how many 50/60 years old people you've met, so I'm sure I don't know how many of them were proud and arrogant. That being said, as a 30 something who had a slight taste of the end of an era the you totally missed apparently, show some fucking respect. If those 50/60 year old people hadn't spent their time organizing punch cards, you probably wouldn't be playing Worlds of Warcraft today.

To put it simply, "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

Comment Re:Yes! (Score 1) 1774

So the main problem I see with your premise, is the "Perhaps I'm not a good enough christian."

there is no such thing as a good enough christian. There is no such thing as a good human. There's a justice system which punishes people, and scares everyone else into falling into line.

It wasn't until I met God that I saw that there could be a different way. There is hope for all of us through Him. Can I prove it? No. Do I have to? No more than anyone else has to prove the existence of anything they haven't seen, but can see the outcome.

Consider atoms. How many people have perceived atoms before? Even with an electron microscope, do you really "see" them? I could give you a pair of binoculars with a picture of what I thought an atom looked like taped on the other end, and as long as you had faith in me (and my binoculars), you would believe you saw an atom. Did you really? No.

The key is so much of the time we want proof, but there is no such thing as provable fact without faith.

If you believe it when you see it, you put faith in your eyes. If you "see" it with a scientific instrument, you put faith in your instrument (no pun intended).

Do you test your instruments? Excellent. That will improve your faith in them.

I'm a programmer (by trade) and even the basics of code are subject to interpretation. In C#, Boolean True == not false. that is any integer value that's NOT 0 is True. In other languages it's reverse. So you can't even look at True, and guarantee what your looking at.

To ask me to prove the existence of my Creator seems to be futile in nature. For there's not an instrument I could prove it on that you'd have faith in if you didn't have faith in Him to begin with.

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