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User Journal

Journal Journal: Political Compass Score 39

OK, now that I've bad-mouthed them, here I go:

Economic Left/Right: 4.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.62

So, yeah: I'm totally a right-wing SoCon, but I differentiate strongly between morality and ethics, and thus veer libertarian on federal Constitutional issues.
E.g.: life begins at conception, but if you pagans in Washington want to build altars to Moloch and sacrifice your offspring, then God have mercy on you. And, in the same fit of folly, declare sex with a mare 'love' and marry your horse. I'm not coming to Washington on vacation, that's for sure.
As for Economics, if you haven't read The Road to Serfdom, you probably think this sunshine Obama has been blowing up your nethers is somehow valid.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Political Compass is a steaming crock 30

For one example of a loaded question from TPC:

Because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation.

Evil. Corporations. Are. Evil.
Right. I hail from Western Oregon, which has been thoroughly denuded and rendered a blighted wasteland by Weyerhauser.
NOT! Corporations tend to grasp their symbiotic relationship with the market.
They can tend toward monopoly, and there is a reasonable regulatory role for government.
Just keep in mind that government, itself, is the ultimate monopoly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Burma Shave FP

You fear what the Burma Shave troll can do:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Austrian Economists Are Stupid? 23

Reacting to: which isn't taking comments.
I'm not totally deep on the school, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and read The Road to Serfdom.
Overall, the point that centralization sucks is a good one. Vast amounts of power in the hands of an unaccountable few can only be a Good Thing for 'God' values of 'few'.
Which is why I contend that we should redistribute power, not wealth. Empowering people, with the minimal level of necessary government oversight, will enrich all. Who want to be enriched.
Never forget that the evil of the human soul is a constant, and there will always be those claiming 'unfairness', occasionally with legitimacy, but quite frequently in a passive-aggressive mode. And government will deliver that 'fairness', oh yes: next Tuesday.
User Journal

Journal Journal: PATH note 4

Making all of the files available via, say, $PYTHONPATH is tedious.
I wanted to say start from he point of script invocation, go up one directory (to project root), and just look!
This is really ugly, but may work on OSX:

for f in `find .. -type d -regex '../[^.]*'`; do echo `pwd`/$f; done;

We'll soon see.

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