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Amazon "Bit Beavers" Bring S.A.L.V.E. To Kindle

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  • In for one.

    Good for you, smitty. This is a big deal. And for a minute there, I think you Slashdotted Amazon (at least I got an error from the link the first time I clicked it).

    I know what it's like to put your written word out there for the world to see, and it's no small accomplishment.

    And I promise to read it. I support friends, even ones whose politics I might not endorse. If nothing else, I'm curious to experience the comic possibilities in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    • Yeah, "CTHULHU" is probably the only horrific stuff I'll ever write.
      It may be funny in a "Dr. Strangelove" kind of way.

1 Mole = 25 Cagey Bees
