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Comment return us old find (Score 2) 45

When I switched from WinXP to Win10, I desperately missed the file search. I'm unable to find ANY file on my pc: nor by file-name, nor content, nor date or size. The search-function is absolute bullshit: it takes forever, finds nothing or lists unrelated files. I cannot believe Microsoft broke this basic function so badly! I cannot believe I have to use third-party solutions for such simple tasks.

Comment South Tyrol (Score 1) 133

So what?
South Tyrol (in Northern Italy) with a similar number of inhabitants (532.000) uses not only 100% electricity from renewable sources (mainly hydro), but is exporting it to the rest of Europe. South Tyrol produces twice as much it needs. And this since ever.

Comment Re:It's all about tourism (Score 1) 122

Believe me, I live in a ski-resort. The main areas of spread in Europe were ther ski-resorts. No doubt. Google for "Ischgl" and you will read, that people from Iceland, Germany, The Netherlands and Scandivavia were infected there. Germany has even started a class action(!) against the tourist resort Ischgl because of the many infections

Comment Re:It's all about tourism (Score 1) 122

No and no. Italy was the first country in Europe closing all flights coming from China.

The first persons in Europe, where Covid-19 was diagnosed in January, were in the French Apls (google for "Briton in French Alps chalet" and in Southern Germany (google for "Webasto patient 1")

The area around Milan was so hardy affected in February, because an ill person went to a hospital in Codogno and infected all workforce there, which in turn infected the patrients. There were lots of death among elder people and the virus was further spread by people going from Lombardy to nearby ski-resorts. At the peak of the winter season many people in northern Italy were ill. Me and my family included (I am from Northern Italy).

But now its over: all mid-European countries show low rates of infection. Italy has annouced today, that in june all borders will be open an tourists are free to go on holiday and cross borders. Yeah!

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