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Journal Journal: Whilst contemplating your navel...

I haven't heard anything from the placement agency since the failed interview with Arrow. That's just a little bit of a drag. Last time I was in the market, the dot-com boom was still going. Williams was still hiring, WorldCom wasn't firing ... aaah times have changed. I got hired in three days last time. I have been giving serious consideration to moving, too. It's a pretty drastic idea, but for the right dollar figure, I think I could make it work. Lots of thinking to do w


Journal Journal: The Art Of The "I Didn't Care Anyway..."

Quick entry...

I had an interview at a local company through that recruitment agency. The company was great, their IT Manager was switched on, had great interpersonal skills, and really pitched the job well. I wanted it. Unfortunately that placement agency had sent me on a job for helpdesk support/network admin/(very small amount of) software development. It goes without saying... I didn't get the job. My resu

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