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Comment Bad Science (Score 5, Insightful) 323

Gets used here.... alot.
Arguments both for or againsts a scientific problem should be framed as defendable proofs.
We know that the top of Earth's atmosphere receives 342 watts of energy, in the form of sunlight, per square meter. Note that 107 W/m2 of this energy is reflected or scattered back into space by clouds, the atmosphere, and high-albedo features on Earth's surface. So, only 235 W/m2 (342 - 107) of energy actually make it into the atmosphere, and shines down upon us giving me women in miniskirts and the ability to grow food (both of which are....awesome)
Furthermore, we know that 67 W/m2 of the incoming energy is absorbed by the atmosphere, and another 168 W/m2 is absorbed by Earth's surface. When energy is absorbed, it raises the temperature of the substances that absorb it (the atmosphere and surface of our planet, in this case); this causes those substances to radiate away that heat in the form of IR radiation. We can all agree that these are not simply my opinions right? For those of who are are unfarmiliar, these are called facts, lets keep going.
About 390 W/m2 of IR energy starts upward from the surface, this difference being caused by longwave radiation needing an atmospheric window that does not have a lot of water vapor or gas molocules containing three or more atoms (i realize this is incomplete, i am atempting to simplify). The more of these conditions present in our atmosphere, the harder it is for longwave radiation to escape. So when we spew into the environment, and what we need to agree on is that adding vapor and GHG's to the environment increases the GW potential... right? Keep your fucking anecdotes to yourself, Using these things called facts we can see that keeping equilibrium becomes more difficult when we insist on changing the atmosphere. So don;t tell me you got two colds last year and only on this year so we are getting warmer, or that your uncle your uncles garden got frosted early thid year so we are geting colder. Or about ICEBERGS, this is an atmospheric issue, give me meaningful data about that and i will listen. Anyone who thinks that chnging the composition of our atmosphere will not result in temp change needs to back to school.


Comment It always backfires (Score 5, Interesting) 134

Remember when Jeff Moss had his talk cancelled, or Kim Zetter? All it did was make people salivate to read thier presentation when they released it online at a later date. The last thing you want to do to this demographic is tell them the info is "too dangerous (see awesome) for them to hear. It will be everywhere with in the week.

Comment read other articles the author has written (Score 1) 98

He was popular for a while after 9/11, at the time he attempted to make it seem as though he was the lone force in the world that had been warning of the threat, and a ll of the powers that be ruffled his hair and told him to be on his way... and now weren't they all sorry they hadn'rt listened. As was the case before, is seeming to be the case now, an author with enough of a grasp of the siuation to make an intelligent commment is simply not enough, he chooses to muddle the waters with a blatantly personal agenda which will ensure that no one gives a shit whatever he says becomes any wisdom needs to be sifted through a mountain of self serving drivel

Comment Low hanging fruit (Score 5, Insightful) 75

Meh... Thae fact that there are errors and vulnerabilities in web based tools just means that they were written by programmers who largely don't have peer code review, which is why so many computer viruses never get to trigger or release paylod, the only working part of them is the infection mechanism. Perhaps these vulnerabilities would aid n catching a script kiddie who had downloaded a poorly programmed tool and was dumb enough to launch from his own computer. Nobody with brains would launch from "home", they would use bots, which means the police will be storming an old age home with grandparents still using windows 95. I do applaud looking at hacking tools though, I workd for a company that used a stripped down, harmless version of the sub7 trojan to deploy software and it was far superior to commercial deployment solutions at the time.

Comment Re:Considering (Score 1) 184

Whats flamebait about this? Do you honestly expect that America, who hover on the brink of complete economic collapse, is doing this for free? One of the reasons for America huge deficit is this war.... and they just "found" a trillion dollars.. Is it truly so unreasonable to assume at some point, with hundreds of thousand s of soldiers on the ground in the area that the USA will clear thier throat and mention the cost?

Comment Considering (Score -1, Flamebait) 184

It was the military who announced the find I think the most likely out come is incredible stability... right after America announces that Afganistan owes them for the cost of the war, so they are putting a huge permanent base there to watch over thier investment. I mean, the only thing we love more than bringing democracy places at the point of a sword is collecting what they owe us for it!

Comment FUD (Score 1) 1318

This is so typical of western media. There are millions and million and millions of smart, tolerant,peace loving devout Muslims. We have this absurd urge to feel smug and superior so out media scours the court system for ridiculous actions that in no way reflect the commonly help world-view of an area and posts them "news".PURE FUD. And look how how ready you all were to jump aboard the train... This is the equivalent to interviewing bible belt Christian fundamentalists with a grade 6 education for the page one story on your newspaper. Have you ever seen the documentary "Kids on fire" What if this was help up as how America feels to the rest of the world and presented as fact in the news? Remember when the lady sued the NFL and Janet Jackson for her wardrobe malfunction? Last week a guy sued a hospital for not preventing him from raping another patient. . Our legal system is not exactly a bastion of rational thought some days either. Not one post questioning the articles truth, the author, or the source. nice. just typical american rhetoric and smugness. Way to swallow the FUD hook line and sinker /.

Comment Koran thumping hicks (Score 1) 1318

This is so typical of western media. There are millions and million and millions of smart, tolerant,peace loving devout Muslims. We have this absurd urge to feel smug and superior so out media scours the court system for ridiculous actions that in no way reflect the commonly help world-view of an area and posts them "news".PURE FUD. And look how how ready you all were to jump aboard the train... This is the equivalent to interviewing bible belt Christian fundamentalists with a grade 6 education for the page one story on your newspaper. Have you ever seen the documentary "Kids on fire" What if this was help up as how America feels to the rest of the world and presented as fact in the news? Remember when the lady sued the NFL and Janet Jackson for her wardrobe malfunction? Last week a guy sued a hospital for not preventing him from raping another patient. . Our legal system is not exactly a bastion of rational thought some days either. Not one post questioning the articles truth, the author, or the source. nice. just typical american rhetoric and smugness. Way to swallow the FUD hook line and sinker /.

Comment Not Everything is Journalism (Score 1) 232

Posting military documents that get leaked is not just journalism and should not be protected. What gets overlooked is that most countries spy on each other, and have vast amounts of other countries encrypted mail. This is not a problem until someone leaks the actual wire. By amassing enough of these unencrypted vs. encrypted matches other countries can get a real leg up in the computing time needed to crack keys. So while the state dept might end up with egg on its face this "journalism" winds up with huge potential for dead soldiers. I'll admit this is extreme, but possible.

Comment Re:If you are serious about pictures (Score 1) 326

Disclaimer - I wrote that post on a Mac. I was just messing around. Myt father always said its better to be a smart ass than i dumb ass. I had just watched an episode of south park and was imagining how they would handle the characterization of a PC user switching to Mac. I use a PC for programming, WoW and Starcraft. Mac for everything else. .. Its never hard to make either camp of zealots angry, they are always just so...ready to be offended.

Comment If you are serious about pictures (Score 4, Funny) 326

What you really need to do is this. Buy a couple plaid shirts, some black socks and some Birks but make sure you pay a lot for them. Get some capri pants at the GAP (make sure you pay full price). Next, get some patchouli scented shave lotion and a Mac(don't will pay full price for this and we have begun. Go home set up your make and get changed, you are now a Mac owner! You will find that tagging, sorting,arranging via meta data is easy. Its living that has become hard. Now you must tag everything using iambic pantameter and haiku. Instead of tagging things buy the current dating system use what day of the BP disaster it is. If your wife asks you what you are doing, try to be condescending... no one understands you anymore but steve. While tagging your photos try to use the words postmodern and neo a lot. it will begin to feel natural soon... Good luck! A new mac user| so fragile and delicate| like leaves on a breeze

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