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Comment Re:Conspiracy (Score 1) 434

They'll sell the chips to anyone. If someone gets a reverse engineered driver running on the chips they would probably be secretly for it. (after all it would help them sell chips) They just aren't going to bother with official linux support because there's not possible way it could meet thier quality standard for support. PowerVR doesn't give a sh*t about updating old drivers to keep compatibility with no xorg and kernel versions. The IP is such that intel isn't allowed to do it on it's own, much less with an open source driver. Valley View will have great linux support, probably more so than any other intel processor release to date.

Comment Re:Injecting Some Facts (Score 1) 1184

100 MPG is very hard only thing we have so far is basically a motorcycle with a one cylinder engine. To get 54 MPG you have to cut a lot of weight out. Doesn't matter how efficient the engine is, you're not going to pull around 3500 pounds for a mile with 115g or gasoline. Multiple expansion engines ad weight for a small power gain, and I've never seen a practical one outside of steam or sterling engines. Many designs where just to decrease vibration in the case of steam, and also more room to spread heat exchanges for the Stirling. In addition cars require a lot of tourque over a range on rotational speeds and variable power. These requirements disqualify a lot of engine cycles. 100MPG would have to be something like electirc + fuel cell or electric + turbine.

Comment Re:Hackerspace != Political Correct (Score 1) 1127

Not really, some are in the autism spectrum. Hacker's motivations are almost all internally generated. Pretty big difference from a sociopath. Hackers prefer to live and let live with sociopaths become authoritarian figures. Hackers tend to have a very high level of impulse control, sociopaths tend to have low impulse control.

Comment Re:Hey, just market bugs as (Score 1) 705

Rabbit has about 5/6ths of it's calories in protein. 1/6 in fat Cricket has about 2/5ths protein and the rest in fat and carbs. A lot more tolerable. Could actually provide caloric needs on a sedentary person on cricket alone. Still best to limit intake to half a pound a day. Use grains and vegatables to fill in the rest.

Comment Re:Hey, just market bugs as (Score 1) 705

You already eat insects. Most plant based foods contain insects or insect parts. Insects tend to have a very high concentration of omega 3 and 6 unsaturated fatty acids. Entomophagy is likely the reason humans were able to support such a large brain development. But they'll probably be processed to resemble protein sources we already eat. They will be many time cheaper, healthier, and may even taste better than mammalian meats. Insects are the most effecient transformers of plant matter into a complete protein. Bacteria also may be engineered to digest non-food products, and then processed to create foodstuff.. Really the ultimate limit to food is energy, rather than land or water.

Comment Re:Tyranny (Score 1) 252

Right, distributing a pamphlet that say the draft should be opposed by some legal means is a clear and present danger like someone shouting fire in a crowded theater. Never trust a professionalism liar. Oops Freudian slip, meant to type lawyer. . Free political discourse hasn't really been entrenched in the U.S since after WWII.

A threat is illegal if it is as such to mach a reasonable person fear for some harm or injury. If I break a chair, start running toward you screaming "I'll kill you for that". that's a threat. If a friend steals my favorite chair at a bar, and I sit down next to him and say "I'll kill you for that", it's not a threat. It's not the words or speech that is regulated

If I as a audience member shout fire in a crowded theater when no fire was present, people probably wouldn't believe me. If they did panic and someone gets hurt, I'm responsible because I knew or was reckless in not knowing the disorder that would result. If an actor shouted it as part of their act, and people in the off chance did panic he would not be responsible because it's not really reasonable to foresee people would confuse part of the act with a genuine warning. Again it's not the words themselve

Same for slander, trade secrets and whatnot. Speech in each of these just happens to be an element of some larger tortuitous (spelling? defined as of or relating to torts) action that resulted in distinct and palpable legal injury (the specific fact of loss, harm, or damage) DMCA type prohibitions of circumvention devices do indeed infringe on free speech, as the distribution results in no legal injury (no unauthorized copies are made via the mere distribution of a tool), and even the use of such tools do not as there are such things as fair use exemptions. To believe these types of provisions do not infringe on free speech, you would have to believe there is no such thing as fair use. You would also have to believe the existence of the tool rather than it's use is the proximate cause of copyright violations, thus ignoring analog hole that can bypass any DRM technology for non-interactive media.

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