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Comment Re:Caps Lock Key (Score 0) 806

BTW, on a completely different point, other than to get "god mode" in Doom, why the frick do we have a tilde key? Maybe programmers should get their own keyboard.

So we can capitalize/uncapitalize things in vi.

In all seriousness, though the one possible real serious use of the caps-lock key is to type SQL.

SELECT table.c1, table.c2 FROM table WHERE table.c3 = 1

Is much more readable than:

select table.c1, table.c2 from table where table.c3 = 1

still, I write much more SQL than I should (never will get around to learning transactions), and I have my caps-lock key mapped to escape.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 1) 900

You actually got GIMP to compile from source? When I attempted this I found a confusing array of contradictory information: the GIMP website claims GIMP uses subversion, the GNOME website claims it uses GIT. Also: I have seen torrent sites less tight fisted with their download links than GNOME was with source code. GIMP may be an open source project, but I think I might have better luck getting hold of the Photoshop source tree.

Submission + - The Best Way To Inform Owners Of Hacked Sites?

UnmaskParasites writes: "I'm an independent security researcher. Every time when I investigate hacker attacks I see thousands of compromised websites. While I can't contact every single site owner and tell them about the problem, I usually try to let the owners of larger sites (their problems affect more people) know that they have security issues. I send them brief descriptions of the problems via email or their contact forms. Unfortunately, the prevailing reaction is lack of any response (and websites remain hacked). I have slightly better results when I publish attack reviews on my blog and then refer to the blog posts when I contact owners of compromised sites. However the success rate is still below 20%, which makes me think that security is not a priority for site owners and I'm wasting my time trying to help them.

Here is a rather amusing (and at the same time sad) illustration of the issue. Site of Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) offers up to $1 million for piracy reports. This site is hacked. Most of its pages contain cloaked spam links that promote online stores that sell pirated software. I emailed them and described the problem. I created a blogpost with screenshots illustrating the problem and referred to it in my report. SIIA didn't bother to respond, and one week later their site still promotes pirates (they are probably too busy fighting with other pirates?)

I need your advice. What is the most effective way to inform site owners about security problems and have them resolve the issues?

* Should I go on trying to contact owners of compromised sites?
* Should I just report the sites? E.g. report them to Google as malicious or spammy, and let Google punish them (blacklist or remove from search index). I still prefer to give site owners a chance though.
* Should I try to give them some "bad publicity" if they fail to respond to friendly notifications? Is it acceptable? (I wonder if SIIA clean up their site if this question is published on Slashdot?)
* Should I just ignore them (since it's not my own problem) and hope that they'll eventually resolve issues?
* What else can you suggest?"

Submission + - Best Practice Benchmarking (

bestpracticeinstitut writes: Best Practice Institute can be of great help in improving your performance, your talent, and your business leadership skills. It can provide you with development tips, online learning sessions, practical case examples and hundreds of experts. Senior executive members from GlaxoSmithKline, Corning, Johnson & Johnson, Bank of America, Volvo and highly experienced practitioners such as Marshall Goldsmith, Roosevelt Thomas, Warren Bennis, Roland Sullivan and Louis Carter founded the Institute in 2003. Best Practice Institute is highly beneficial for thousands of small, medium, and large businesses. You will be better able to understand the marketing, management, and leadership systems of large Fortune 1000 corporations through Best Practice Institute.

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