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Comment Fuck Google (Score 1) 99

Google should tell China to go fuck itself. The owners and employees should be ashamed. They should realize that the free and open sharing of information, something they have enabled for years, was itself enabled by societies that value freedom of both the written and spoken word. Now they are just another evil coward corporation that can't stomach the thought of reduced profits even if it means kissing the ass of one of the most free speech repressing countries in the world.

Comment Maybe (Score 1) 198

Good comment until you said "military grade encryption". There is no such thing and that term is typically used by those who aren't very knowledgable about security. Unfortunately this forces me to discount your opinion on the matter. KeePass2 may very well be a good solution for the problem at hand, but I'm going to need to find some other evidence for that, because whenever someone mentions "military grade encryption" I run away as fast as possible.

Comment Reminds me of another test (Score 1) 281

Some company years ago was trying to sell the airlines on a new fuel formulation designed to not vaporise and erupt into a conflagration after a crash. They set up a deliberate crash landing by remote control onto a paved runway surface spiked with iron stakes designed to shred the plane's wings and fuel tanks. It was very cool and video has to be out there somewhere.

Even cooler: how the revolutionary fuel concoction disappeared overnight after the plane burst into s hellish inferno of flames after touching down as planned! Priceless.

Comment Bill Gates has kids? (Score -1, Offtopic) 137


I remember discovering Google when it started as the alternative to Deja Vu for archived usenet posts. Search came later, I don't remember what I was using before Google to be honest. Netscape search site perhaps.

Now looking for a Google replacement. I think they're ebil moneygrubbers now to be quite honest. The do evil. In spades.

Comment I believe alien life exists in the universe (Score 3, Insightful) 36

The Drake Equation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation way back when made me accept that the probability of life elsewhere in the universe was high. These exo-planet discoveries are not all that surprising to me. Furthermore the existence of these planets is inferred. It's not like the HST captured some cool pictures of them. In fact, it's unlikely anyone in the near future (for whatever defn of "near future" you care to use) will ever see these planets with their own 2 eyes, or travel to any of them.

In short, they're boring.

Comment No Shit Sherlock (Score 1) 651

I had something like a 2,000 word reply for this article, but on second thought I decided better. Shorter: Hahahahahahahahaha of course not, asshole, and if you don't know why then you shouldn't be the fucking president.

Nobody else would be any better as President IMO, and that in large part is why America is doomed.

Comment Re:Open source win (Score 1) 306

"Security through obscurity is a myth."

It works just fine assuming you get the details right, and while it's true most implementations don't, some do, and they are wildly successful. Saying that it's a myth is a generalization that is simply wrong.

When was the last time you heard about Firewire 1394 DTCP encryption getting cracked? Millions of people have cable STBs with firewire 1394 output. DTCP has been protecting firewire video streams for a dozen years, and no serious attack on it has ever been revealed. DTCP relies a great deal on security through obscurity. Details of the M6 cipher it uses are unknown. Selection of the ECC curve is unknown.

You might think that maybe someone IS working on it, after all, the related (but not the same) HDCP has been cracked wide open, but there is no evidence anywhere that indicates DTCP has been cracked. If it was cracked in some underground lab somewhere you would at least expect to see HW or SW available somewhere that would take advantage of the crack.

But there is nothing, only crickets chirping in the dark while a great example of security through obscurity continues to perform flawlessly year after year after year. And that's no myth.

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