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Comment Re:Rise up? Please! (Score 1) 22

I'm not a Democrat, and almost always pick the Republican ballot on primary elections, but I'm not a Republican, either. I vote candidate, not party. Personally, I think we'd be screwed no matter who won the election. Clinton's government employment record is very close to Buchannon's (that might be a misspelling), the president who started the Civil War and is considered the worst president by most historians.

But I have to agree with the journal. He nailed it. Guess who profits by all that? Donald Trump, who once (before the crash) said he hoped real estate WOULD crash, because he could make a lot of money from it.

He's now in the position to actually do it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bar Bots

(If the text is borked, you can read it here)

Some highly paid people seem to not be very good at thinking straight... or at all.

Comment Re:Just a warmup for the PTP (Score 1) 17

I like the way his camp talks about "alternate facts". "Alternate facts" is simply a politically correct label for "damned lies". And he, the Liar in Chief, fooled all you yokels!

The only good that can become of a Trump presidency is that it may destroy the Republican party.

Comment Re:Or just go back to the way things were before (Score 1) 5

This is personal to me. A friend I knew in high school, went into the service with, and kept in touch with couldn't afford insurance and caught appendicitis. It ruined his credit and nearly his family. In 1992 when he had a heart attack, he just laid down and died rather than calling 911.

That's what happens in the US when you work full time and can't afford insurance.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sixteen: The Final Chapter 2

It's that time of year again. The time of year when everyone and their dog waxes nostalgic about all the shit nobody cares about from the year past, and stupidly predicts the next year in the grim knowledge that when the next New Year comes along nobody will remember
that the dumbass predicted a bunch of foolish shit that turned out to be complete and utter balderdash. I might as well, too. Just like I did last year (yes, a lot of this was pasted from last year's final chapter).

Comment Re:Garages? (Score 1) 11

Think about the power to weight ratio--with as little as a plastic vehicle with a passenger or two would weigh on Ceres, the ratio would be very high, especially after they found the ferromagnetics in the belt that could be magnetized a hundred times as strong as today's (that story, "The Pirate", is still in edit), replace the magnets in a 100 watt motor with them, and one watt will run that motor as well as 100 did the old.

They already had real moon buggies, they're still up there. They used wheels, but the moon is a LOT heavier than Ceres.

Imagine playing basketball on Ceres? I might add that to a story, there were microgravity sports in "Mars, Ho!".

Comment Re:Hard drive or software? (Score 1) 106

I don't back up daily, more like weekly, plus whenever I have a rash of new data. I keep the backup drive unplugged except when backing up, and never in s thunderstorm. Losing my non-backed up data would only hurt a little, it isn't like I'll lose a 10,000 customer database or anything.

Before I retired, backups were automatically done daily by software. I had to change the backup tapes weekly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Santa Killed My Dog!

They say that Santa's coming,
He comes 'round every year.
He comes he'll meet a shotgun slug
'cause he ain't welcome here.

Five years ago this Christmas
The fatass came around
With jingle bells and ho ho hos
And looking like a clown.

He came in for a landing
As I let out a yawn
My house is pretty little
So he landed on the lawn.

Comment Re: Don't give him ideas (Score 1) 555

Those were all bad presidents. My grandmother, born in 1903, said Coolidge caused the depression but Hoover was a terrible president, too. Most historians consider Lincoln's predecessor, James Buchanan, .was history's worse.

I never thought I'd ever see a worse president than Carter, but GW proved me wrong.

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