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Comment Re:Welcome to globalization (Score 0) 495

Funny thing about workers in other countries - they kinda don't want to bust their ass for meager wagers so that Americans can enjoy a standard of living higher than they deserve. The inevitable outcome is an equalization of income, where wages in established nations stagnates while wages in developing countries rises.

Which America will avoid at all costs. How many parallels to Rome. We think we are the center of the universe, when nothing can be further from the truth. It will all come toppling down soon.

Comment Re:Well they didn't ask me... (Score 1) 111

My guess is that Comcast isn't all that much worse than any of the other providers, they just have a larger install base and more subscribers which hate the cable company. That means that more folks hate them, but only because they have more customers to tick off.

Your guess, based on no experience with the company, is WRONG. They are simply the worst company I have ever had to deal with. No one in customer service has any intention to help you, only to get you off the phone. All problems require a "home visit," even if the problem is on their end. And that can't be scheduled for at least a week. Every five minutes on the phone you get another suggestion to upgrade to a more expensive service. We should be able to sue for PTSD just having to deal with them.

Comment Re:What is this about ''for kids'' ? (Score 1) 95

What about social obfuscation? I'm surprised by how many people have no problem sharing information about themselves. It's the narcissistic society we live in. Personally, I have already started creating a fictitious me. My goal is for sites like Facebook to start aggregating my new true history. It will make my day when I go to a job interview and they say, "Our HR department did some research. Were you really an alchemist in Tibet?"

Comment Re:Headline... Headache (Score 1) 95

I think we need to legislate that ALL legal TOS and the like be written in this type of CLEAR and concise and easily understandable verbiage.

The problem is that everyday verbiage does not properly represent the law. I know, I know, it seems to be obfuscated double speak, but really it's a very precise language that lawyers are taught to speak to AVOID misunderstanding.

Comment Personal Favors (Score 1) 218

This law was obviously a personal favor for some rich influential actor or actress. Stupid yes, but pretty harmless. Now when this starts happening in the White House with the new batshit crazy people who will be hanging out there, I don't expect then to have any such compunctions about their laws being harmless.

Comment Re:Apple is no longer a computer company (Score -1) 228

They never were a computer company (atleast not since their "rebirth").
They're a fashion company and they failed to make enough changes to remain fashionable.

Do you really believe that, or are you just regurgitating hater credo? Woz and Jobs fucking CREATED the individual computer movement. Microsoft created Word for Mac, not for DOS. Jesus, learn your history.

Comment Re:Nothing to do with Trump (Score 1) 432

You can figure that out in the summary alone. They are doing this because it's nearly $1 billion cheaper to invest $700 million instead of $1.6 billion.

Follow the money, always follow the money. The Presidency almost NEVER has any impact on business decisions, although people like to think so and I'm sure Trump will play with his little horn falsely touting how he made this happen.

It's going to W all over again. Blame everything bad they do on the previous administration, and take credit for everything good that happens because of the previous administration's work.

Comment Re:Truth of the story. (Score 0) 432

Perhaps that NASCAR thing matters to some, but my '16 F150 is a sweet ride that gets me comfortably back and forth to work and gets 20 MPG city and 25 MPG highway... I'm not so sure Ford sucks all that hard in that user space...

Of course it's a "sweet ride" if it's brand new. Give it 3 or 4 months to start falling apart.

Comment Re:Apple's recent performance: Let's review (Score 1) 214

Doesn't matter. The haters make up their own reality where everything Apple sells is crap, and people only buy it because they are somehow hypnotized by the shiny. I predicted that the average user will be quite happy with their iPhone 7, and won't care about the jack. I predicted that the average user will be quite happy with the new MacBook, and don't care that it's not cutting edge enough. No matter what Apple creates or sells, or how well it sells, the complaints are the same. So no, reality doesn't matter.

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