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Comment Electrocuted a Cow (Score 5, Interesting) 301

I grew up on a farm and the weekends of my youth invariably involved working on the farm for my father.
One Sunday I had to hook up a trailer to take waste out to be burned in one of our fields.
The tractor I was driving had a front end loader, the bucket wasn't fitted it was just the arms.
So I'm looking backwards over my shoulder reversing in to the trailer to hook it on when I hear a loud bang.
Because I hadn't been paying attention to the front of the tractor I hadn't noticed that the FEL arm had swung under the tension wire supporting the electricity power pole in the middle of the yard (yeah stupid place for it).
I had pulled the whole pole over towards me and the power lines had snapped.
Unfortunately for one of our cows it was scratching its arse against a metal gate where the power lines landed and got blown away.
It was on it's back with its leg twitching in the air. I thought it was well cooked and I was in shit with dad.
However after 10mins it was up and off munching grass as if nothing had happened. Tough animals, cows.
The major damage was that I blew out the power grid for all of East Kilbride on a Sunday afternoon.
The power company guys weren't pleased about their Sunday call out, or the angry phone calls about spoiled Sunday roast dinners, but my father was pleased because they not only reconnected it but moved the pole to a more sensible location where it wasn't in our way anymore.

Comment Show of hands please for Starlink Coverage in '21? (Score 2) 88

Just checking my home address here in rural New Zealand I get "Starlink is targeting coverage in your area in mid to late 2021."
So soon?!
I didn't think they were covering anywhere outside of N.America so quickly?
Is this a indication of an aggressive and ambitious launch timetable for 2021 by Starlink?
Anyone else outside of N.America that gets a "sometime this year" response to your home address?

NZ pricing is inline with the US setup and subscription costs.

Comment Mergers to create bundled offerings (Score 1) 25

I wonder if we'll see a merger of Spotify with Netflix at some point to try to offer bundled Music & TV to compete with the likes of Apple's "One" package?
Also I recently found myself wondering where DropBox saw its future?
Digital subscription bundling may force surprise allegiances in the not too distant future.

Comment Apple's made a lot of enemies lately (Score 2, Interesting) 92

I'm really pleased to see that bill being shot down as I see it as a victory for the privacy (r)evolution that's taking place right now.
Can you imagine what Facebook and Google would do if Bills like that one became common place law across, not just the USA, but the world?
Given the freedom of not having to submit Apps to a single App store, that moderates behaviour and empowers users with the choice of being tracked, access to bluetooth, sniffing the network, microphone, camera(s) etc etc they'd make their own "freedom" app stores where they'd be the worst possible versions of themselves.
It's not just Epic being a greedy bitch or the spooks pulling strings in the shadows to get into your phone it's a growing list of bad actors all trying to game the system back in their favour.
I'm hoping that once voters get accustomed to their new found powers over privacy it'll be a lot harder for legislators to remove them.

Comment Re:Honestly seems like Facebook has more to lose (Score 4, Interesting) 153

FB was integrated into iOS a few years ago along with other social media companies.
That was dropped a few major iOS version ago (the social.framwork was officially deprecated in the iOS 11 I believe).
iOS was pretty crap at sharing screen shots, photos file etc until they finally got around to implementing a generic sharing pop-up and API (iOS 6 I think?).
I had integrated those social media libs just to be able to share but joyfully ripped them out when the sharing pop-up was fully supported by the social media companies apps.

Comment Smart phones will soon be Star Trek Tri-corders (Score 5, Interesting) 50

From the article

Take spectroscopy as an example. A spectrometer is used to finely detect different wavelengths of light, and it's commonly employed in medical assays to identify particular molecules in the blood. As metasurfaces allow you to collapse “a tabletop of optics into a single surface,” Devlin claims you can pop the right sensors in a smartphone with Metalenz to do the same kind of work.

“You can actually look at the chemical signature of fruit with a spectrometer and tell whether it's ripe,” Devlin says. “It's really not just an image anymore, you're actually accessing all sorts of different forms of sense, and seeing and interacting with the world, getting a whole new set of information into the cellphone.”

In recent years spectroscopy has been combined with AI and machine learning to accurately identify, and quantify, the presence of substances in wide range of organic and non-organic materials.
We are on the cusp on phones starting to incorporate spectroscopy tech as just another camera lens which should open up a whole new range of mass market applications.
Here's one company that is woking in this field and another one specialising in one particular area that I know of.

Comment Need to think outside of the "Tech" box (Score 1) 51

A "tech pundit " lists 3 tech entrepreneur CEOs as Z's "primary role models"?
Well if Zuck really did use them as role models then no wonder he's in trouble.
Facebook is a publishing company more than a tech company.
A more suitable role model would have been a media mogul like Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch was known as the "King maker" at the height of his powers.
The problem for Facebook and Zuck is that they didn't play the political game but focused on the tech and the bottom line.
The rich and powerful don't buy newspapers to make money, they buy them to control those who have been elected to power.
Zuck stupidly offered up this power for auction on his platform for anyone to buy and abuse, too often anonymously.

Comment Do children really need to learn X,Y,Z....? (Score 1) 310

You could ask them same question for a 2nd language, a musical instrument, art, etc.
I dropped French at high school because I thought I'd never need it - I was very wrong. 1st job I got after graduating took me to Paris for 3 days every month.
I played a musical instrument or two at high school but I'm not a professional musician.
What teaching kids does do is gives them an appreciation of the discipline, how hard it is and how to appreciate its subtleties.
I'm sure many software developers will agree with me that a better understanding of our discipline might actually help with things like quoting for a job to write something for someone outside of our profession.
How hard can it be? Well, until you've tried, you'll never know...

Comment Firefox for dev & Safari for personal (Score 1) 92

I use both Firefox and Safari at the same time. I write apps, including web apps and use MacOS as my computing platform.
I've found Firefox to be far better for debugging web pages as it is just much more dev friendly.
However Safari gets my personal browsing just because it hooks into the MacOS Keychain I don't need to remember password or credit card numbers on all my devices.
Safari blocks trackers and, using a nice plugin called Dynamo (on MacOS App store) I can skip any video app just by pressing "E" on my keyboard.
Youtube on Safari with Dynamo is effectively ad free.
I'm struggling to pick a winner between these two, I'd be lost without either of them.
I've got Chrome installed but only to check my web dev work renders ok on it. Wouldn't trust it an inch.

Comment You didn't read what I wrote (Score 1) 285

I think everyone is getting the wrong idea about what I was saying. I certainly didn't suggest the RUD was due to the use of SS - read what I wrote again...
When Musk announced Starship would be SS I was intrigued, his arguments seemed sound and I liked the solutions he outlined for the technical challenges of the choice.
My post was really just a comment on how much faster, and cheaper, ("common off-the-shelf steel") development of the project is because of that choice.
It wasn't something that I remember being a significant argument in its favour back then but now it seems ingenious.
The thing I remember the most in the discussion here on /. about re-entry heat and the technical challenges of keeping SS cool enough.
From memory, a system of sweating liquid through small holes on the skin of the ship as the solution Musk offered.
That intrigued me the most and I look forward to seeing how well it works when they get as far as re-entry.

Comment Stainless Steel (Score 4, Interesting) 285

I think it would be fair to say there were questions raised about Musk deciding to use stainless steel on starship.
Having seen a few prototypes RUD I can see the sense in using the cheaper material, for now.
The Boca Chica facility can knock ever-more complex prototypes quickly and cheaply expediting the development cycle.

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