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Comment Re:Doesn't matter what country you are in... (Score 1) 667

It's my understanding that UL was and is funded by insurance companies. Companies that urn the UL label are cheaper to insure because they have fewer law suits.Companies that don't have higher insurance rates and find it harder to compete. Sounds like a reasonable situation where market forces work to regulate the market place. OSHA appears to be redundant here.

In a normal situation, I would say the workers are free to go work for an employer that offers better working conditions. La Boetie in his essay "Discourse on Voluntary Servitude" wrote:

Obviously there is no need of fighting to overcome this single tyrant, for he is automatically defeated if the country refuses consent to its own enslavement: it is not necessary to deprive him of anything, but simply to give him nothing; there is no need that the country make an effort to do anything for itself provided it does nothing against itself. It is therefore the inhabitants themselves who permit, or, rather, bring about, their own subjection, since by ceasing to submit they would put an end to their servitude.

Couldn't the same be said of an employer that holds that much power? Do you take up the yoke for security or do you take yourself someplace else? We always have a choice.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter what country you are in... (Score 1) 667

UL is one of several companies approved for such testing by the U.S. federal agency OSHA

So the non-governmental regulators are regulated by the government. So you have government regulation, it's just indirect.

UL was started in 1892, OSHA in 1971. Seems to me they were probably getting along fine for all that time.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter what country you are in... (Score 3, Informative) 667

The government should regulate anything that one person's actions directly affect another person's rights. ie. FDA makes sure some company doesn't sell you shitty drugs. however, health insurance doesn't affect me if you don't have it.

Ever hear of Underwriters Laboratories? You don't need government regulation for product safety.

Comment Re:Nice try (Score 1) 826


You consider anyone to the left of Limbaugh a RINO, and you aren't sure about Rush. Graham votes with his party far more than 85% of the time, on a ranking of votes he's middle of the republican pack. I know you guys like mindless drones who spout the party line, but that's getting ridiculous. Is anyone who's ever had a conversation with a D now a RINO?

He didn't used to be but he is now. And He is my senator so I'm in a better position to know.


3-D Printer Creates Buildings From Dust and Glue 139

An anonymous reader writes "D-Shape, an innovative new 3-D printer, builds solid structures like sculptures, furniture, even buildings from the ground up. The device relies on sand and magnesium glue to actually build structures layer by layer from solid stone. The designer, Enrico Dini, is even talking with various organizations about making the printer compatible with moon dust, paving the way for an instant moonbase!"

Comment Well, you might be luckier on the price than.... (Score 1) 727

... I was. It seems maybe the price has come down some. I paid $8,000 for mine 2 years ago and they are 16 channel but I have 75% and 90% loss and couldn't get by without them. Inherited nerve deafness. I still can't here the keyboard though.. oh, wait! never mind. I hear Bluetooth is gonna be incorporated in the next generation.

Bill To Ban All Salt In Restaurant Cooking 794

lord_rotorooter writes "Felix Ortiz, D-Brooklyn, introduced a bill that would ruin restaurant food and baked goods as we know them. The measure (if passed) would ban the use of all forms of salt in the preparation and cooking of food for all restaurants or bakeries. While the use of too much salt can contribute to health problems, the complete banning of salt would have negative impacts on food chemistry. Not only does salt enhance flavor, it controls bacteria, slows yeast activity and strengthens dough by tightening gluten. Salt also inhibits the growth of microbes that spoil cheese."

Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Protein ... and Now Fat 210

ral writes "The human tongue can taste more than sweet, sour, salty, bitter and protein. Researchers have added fat to that list. Dr. Russell Keast, an exercise and nutrition sciences professor at Deakin University in Melbourne, told Slashfood, 'This makes logical sense. We have sweet to identify carbohydrate/sugars, and umami to identify protein/amino acids, so we could expect a taste to identify the other macronutrient: fat.' In the Deakin study, which appears in the latest issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, Dr. Keast and his team gave a group of 33 people fatty acids found in common foods, mixed in with nonfat milk to disguise the telltale fat texture. All 33 could detect the fatty acids to at least a small degree."

Owners Smash iPhones To Get Upgrades, Says Insurance Company 406

markass530 writes "An iPhone insurance carrier says that four in six claims are suspicious, and is worse when a new model appears on the market. 'Supercover Insurance is alleging that many iPhone owners are deliberately smashing their devices and filing false claims in order to upgrade to the latest model. The gadget insurance company told Sky News Sunday that it saw a 50-percent rise in claims during the month Apple launched the latest version, the iPhone 3GS.'"

Breaking the Squid Barrier 126

An anonymous reader writes "Dr. Steve O'Shea of Auckland, New Zealand is attempting to break the record for keeping deep sea squid alive in captivity, with the goal of being able to raise a giant squid one day. Right now, he's raising the broad squid, sepioteuthis australis, from egg masses found in seaweed. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because the squid he's studying grow rapidly and eat only live prey, making it hard for them to keep the squid from becoming prey themselves. If his research works out, you might one day be able to visit an aquarium and see giant squid."

Bark Beetles Hate Rush Limbaugh and Heavy Metal 220

Aryabhata writes "According to scientists, climate change and human activity have allowed bark beetle populations to soar. They decided to fight the beetles by using the 'nastiest, most offensive sounds' that they could think of. These sounds included recordings of Guns & Roses, Queen, Rush Limbaugh and manipulated versions of the insects' own sounds. The research project titled 'Beetle Mania' has concluded that acoustic stress can disrupt their feeding and even cause the beetles to kill each other."

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