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Comment Re:Breathless summary by the clueless (Score 1) 734

"Liberals" aren't banning you from sodas nor the size of sodas you can drink. They are restricting business establishments from serving single large portions of soda to the public. This doesn't outlaw you buying a 32oz cup and pouring your soda into it and drinking it on the streets. You just can't conduct business and serve those portions.

Considering the diabetes epidemic, this is exactly what I want my government to regulate. It takes your body very little time to break down high fructose syrup (one part glucose and one part glucose) resulting in massive sugar spikes. This is responsible legislation.

Comment Re:They announce this now? (Score 1) 81

Facebook is going public because it has too many shareholders. Securities and Exchange Commission rule from 1964 that says that any private company with more than 500 "shareholders of record" must adhere to the same financial disclosure requirements that public companies do.

Comment bullies bullying their way into public domain (Score 1) 159

The idea is inherent to corruption. Omnipotent powers granted to a select special group are bound to be abused. World is/has changing/changed. Public domain is what it is, PUBLIC. If the antiquated bureaucrat fat cats are that concerned with keeping status-quo of making millions off of someone else s creative efforts, they ought to not digitize their content. This is plain and simple bullies bullying their way into governing the public domain.

Submission + - Scorpions may have lessons to teach aircraft designers (

elloGov writes: ""THE north African desert scorpion, Androctonus australis, is a hardy creature. Most animals that live in deserts dig burrows to protect themselves from the sand-laden wind. Not Androctonus. It usually toughs things out at the surface. Yet when the sand whips by at speeds that would strip paint away from steel, the scorpion is able to scurry off without apparent damage."
Dr Han Zhiwu of Jilin University and colleagues have found that surface irregularity in aircraft design could substantially minimize atmospheric dust damage that aircrafts endure. What implications if at all significant would such design have on drag and lift?"

Comment Re:I'm really sick of this trend (Score 0) 165

Yes. Ideally one would spend one's full time reading pages upon pages of lengthy obfuscated legal fine-print for every transaction. Unfortunately, most of us have other commitments and jobs to tend to.

Business in America has become long become a game of who dicks who by writing a 20 page fine-print document only lawyers can decipher for the silliest of services. They call it protection when it is in reality used as the legal justification of dicking the consumer over. Couple that with a fort of customer call-service pyramid of dumb representatives, one can make any scheme a viable scheme.

Why was erroneously I charged extra $?
~Sorry ma'am. I can't access that info, I'm gonna have to transfer you to the dicking department 2 while you spend yet another hour to the tunes of elevator> ....
~Ok, we'll go ahead an take that charge off.

-Next, month, same charge WTF-

It's a vicious cycle with the consumer holding the shorter end of the stick 95% of the time.

~Oh, sorry to inform you but we just lost your data and as a result someone has posted fraud charges to your credit history. It's now YOUR responsibility to fix our fuck up.

Customer service is long dead. These days it's merely a deception in the form of advertisement.

Comment Nothing worse than a bloated dev environment (Score 1) 362

Here are my two cents: In any team environment, a good version/source management is a must. Build and deployment processes should also be examined. Shell scripting will go a long way to automate and alleviate many of your recurring headaches. With that said, there is nothing that annoys me more than employing industry standard buzz words for any and every solution, thus bloating the development process. As a developer, I always appreciate a thin development environment that allows me to do more development and less infrastructure, third-party software debugging.

Comment Re:Honest Question (Score 0) 2115

Money, as the direct representation of wealth, is one supply that everyone demands. When the wealth is accumulated at the top, the top can demand more for their supply of money which we all want. They can demand that your kids of proper age start working as well to be able to get by as a family. They can demand more servitude and more degrading conditions of employment. Just like in a oligopoly, they have the supply cornered and they can make heavy leveraged demand. Use your imagination.

Comment Re:People are clueless. (Score 0) 136

Agreed, mod parent up! This is profiling. It's analytics to discriminate based on physical features. Profiling should be reserved to the individual, don't enhance it technologically. Until you are ready to discuss the the undesirable outcomes of your beautiful business model, you shouldn't immorally champion the good.

Comment Overproduction of life for pleasure is inhumane (Score 0) 733

First of all, let me make a few things clear:
1. I'm a proud meat eater
2. I believe people should have pets
3. I put the survival and comfort of human beings above any other species.

This is great news. It's easy to get around obviously giving the geographic jurisdiction.

We might not have full scientific insight into emotions and understanding of pets. That doesn't mean we can't give animals the benefit of doubt. Take a fish in a bowl for example, does he suffer? I don't know. I say give the species the benefit of doubt when the answer is unknown and don't cage it. I've been proposing this idea to friends for a few months now. The breeding industry is disgusting. There are millions of pets put to death, because they weren't pretty enough, the right type, or not young enough.

It’s humane. No one is outlawing having pets, just the sales. Animal/Pet breeding shouldn’t be a capitalistic venture. If you want a pet, it’s should take some effort to get one through acquaintances without cash-incentives. I believe that this will ensure a better decision-making on part of the owner (no impulse buys and dumps) and give the pet adequate non-monetary worth in the eyes of the owner-to-be. Hopefully, it will prevent overproduction of life for pleasure. Will it make it harder to get a pet? Sure, life isn't cheap and no species should be at your disposal so readily and cheaply.

Comment Re:Joke Time (Score 0) 640

You guys are dead wrong. For mujahideen it is about Islam. My friend told me about the 400 or so mujahideen who came to the Bosniak's aid during the Bosnian War. With them they brought radical teachings, however the Bosnians were keen on keeping them under control and in check. They did a good job. Serbs had over 4000 mercenaries, some paid from Russia, Ukraine, Greece, etc. There is video footage of these foreign mercenaries being blessed by high ranked orthodox clergy before massacring Muslim men and boys while raping the women. For these people it is about religion. Chechnyans are clearly not as diligent in keeping these forces in check.

Comment Re:Joke Time (Score 0) 640

I'm sure had they the luxury and the capability they'd choose to bomb without hurting themselves. If you don't realize by now that it's a Judeo-Christian dominated world we live in, you need to wake up. These are acts of desperation that also happen in plenty Muslim countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Iran, etc The question you should ponder: What drives these idiots to feel so helpless that they blow themselves up?

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