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Comment Re:Part of it is the behavior of many EV drivers.. (Score 1) 287

Having right of way does not make one king; right of way is only there to resolve who goes first.

Right, because I apparently said that if a pedestrian is not in the crosswalk, the motorist has every right to mow the pedestrian down. No I didn't. We have very specific laws here. Walk with the walk sign, Don't walk when it tells you to stop.

While it is great good fun to go digital on this, where you support mowing people down - it isn't like that - it's not like that at all. If a driver purposely mows a pedestrian down, they will be charged and convicted with vehicular homicide, which in PA usually nets you a prison sentence

And the pedestrians (and bicyclists for that matter) are issued jaywalking citations every day here, some delivered to a hospital.

In your legal opinion - who is at fault if the pedestrian walks against the light, and walks into a car that is legally driving? NOt uncommon in the age of smartphone addiction. We also have drunk pedestrians who stumble out on the road.

There needs to be rules and accountability. And there are very specific ones at least here in PA. What's more, they work. I doubt there are many people who want to hit a pedestrian under any circumstances, but without following the rules, it's just chaos.

Comment Re: Part of it is the behavior of many EV drivers. (Score 1) 287

the opposite argument is that pedestrians will have no incentive to give way to cars ever. at all. I've seen this behavior in Japan. a lot of roads don't have sidewalks at all. pedestrians and cars share the same road. and pedestrians will walk casually giving zero fucks to any car behind them.

on the bright side, the japanese will wait for the green light to cross the road. even in the middle of the night with zero traffic.

Colleges are like that here as well. Students just walk right out without looking. There is a busy road cutting through one sde of campus, the powers that be have made a lot of notices to the kids that walking against the lights is really dangerous, and they should observe a different approach to crossing heavy traffic.

Comment Re:Part of it is the behavior of many EV drivers.. (Score 1) 287

I think it's more of what you think is more important - the machine or the human. IMO the human takes precedence - darting out into traffic is something that happens and expecting the human to have presence of mind to note safe crossing points is the equivalent to subjugating people to machines. That may seem like an extreme statement ...

Yeah, it is pretty extreme. Now tell us if the pedestrian's life is more important than the driver of the car. If your important pedestrian is wlking down th emiddle of a mountain road, and a driver comes along, and the only recourse is to drive off a cliff, likely killing the driver - is that the desired outcome?

And don't claim that unlikely - no more ridiculous than the pedestrian walking in 100 degree heat to a crosswalk,

Trying to paint me as someone who supports killing children is outlandish. I do not, but since you went there - let me know if a driver should commit suicide to avoid harming a pedestrian - since you are in the accusatory mood, determine a and post who's life is to take priority.

Comment Re:Mod him down! (Score 0) 78

Finally the tide has turned to reality but plenty of people on slashdot have been modded down by AI morons for saying the exact same thing as this guy.

At the time of my post not a single one of those knuckleheads was here to say he's wrong. Thankfully.

That link in your sig is tremendous. A flamethrower of truth to the infantalized and fragile pseudo adults who might claim to be inclusive, but are more sexist and racist than any other group to date. They merely consider a different "race" and sex as worthy of attacking and diminishment if not outright . elimination.

The infantilization is interesting - my best example is a conversation with one of our Gender studies indoctrination sexual harassment women who told me that anything a woman considers sexual harassment is considered sexual harassment, and a fireable offense. Her example was if I as a man told a woman that I liked her earrings. Just one example, but telling that strong independent women in their ascendancy can be traumatized and damaged by such a statement - which is just weird - who among us had thought to comment on earrings as a sexual advance?

Infantilized indeed and a dictatorial demand to stomp any disagreement, and eventually the enemy just shuts up and let's them find something else to be triggered about. The list is getting bigger.

The west

Especially the USA

Males in general

The worst males - of a particular skin tone

We live in an age where people can claim that old white men are all racist and sexist, completely unironically, without realizing that they are 100 percent ageist, sexist, and racist. Watch the reaction to this post.

I spent a career watching Universities, once a place of vibrant interactions between differing, become a place demanding unquestioned intolerance of those who do not hold their outlook.

I forgot to add - Trigger Warning!

Comment Re:I trust meta (Score 1) 78

Generally but there are 2 things you can get from this, both true: 1) broken clocks are right twice a day 2) FB must be having trouble with their LLM or having better luck with some other technology so they want to downplay the LLM space

And it is amazing that it took this far down the comments for someone to post that truth! I know I'm a cynical shit, but reading the story, that's the first conclusion I drew as well.

Comment Re:Australian government has now mandated AVAS too (Score 1) 287

The Australian government has now mandated AVAS too.


Seems pretty simple. Attach a 110 db horn to EV's and have it running full time. Since we have an epidemic of EV's killing people, seems like the only way to go.

As well, have them sense the sound level around them, and if there is say a cement mixer, they can elevate the sound level to be as high as that. My cars aren't EV, but they are pretty quiet, we should mandate loud sirens on all vehicles.

Comment Re:Part of it is the behavior of many EV drivers.. (Score 1) 287

I don't know about commiefornia, but the state I live in pedestrians have the right of way in a marked crosswalk. Most of them seem to forget that last part though. And forget the part in the same law where it's ALSO illegal for a pedestrian to dart out or start crossing when an oncoming vehicle can't *safely* come to a stop.

Everywhere outside of marked crosswalks? Cross at your own risk, the car has the right of way.

Yup. At lights here in PA, we have walk/do not walk lights, and often audio telling them to wait or walk.

The concept of pedestrians always having the right of way ends up causing issues. Here in my college town, one of the biggest problems in that respect is pedestrians walking against the light and walking into a car.

Running into someone, and blaming the person you ran into is lunacy. That being the case, yeah, the pedestrian gets a citation.

Comment Re:Retrofit? (Score 3, Insightful) 287

LOL I love how the story of one or two undesirable EVs out there not selling as well as last year translates to "EVs struggling in the market" as if they don't currently make up just shy of a quarter of all new car sales in Europe, and over a quarter in China.

This. The mental inertia of the ICEV people has them at this point, looking for anything as the death of EV's, and a golden age of internal combustion vehicles ushered in, with apparently unlimited fuel that will power these things forever, no need for battery powered cars.

They said that the battery packs will die out quickly, and will render the EVs worthless, that charging rapidly will kill them.

They said that the EVs catch on fire - well no kidding - while they forgot that ICEVs catch fire every day.

Now, that EVs are killers because.. they.. are.. too quiet! They are running out of excuses at this point.

Meanwhile, just like solar and wind power, we are plugging along, and they can hate on them all they want, it isn't going to stop the progress.

Comment Re:Hertz messed that whole program up so badly (Score 1) 195

I'm even more disappointed now. I literally offered you a way to make the argument that would be functional. Instead, you literally went for "so your premise is [ridiculous hyperbole based on the most unreasonable and uncharitable interpretation possible]".

There is an answer to all questions that start with "so your premise is...". It starts with F and ends with u.

My my my, First you're disappoint in me and you finish it up with a hearty "Fuck you"

Have a nice day, I'll discuss things with people who want to discuss things, not tell a person they disagree with some profanity.

That kinda reflects on you and your discussion ability when you do that. Good day, sir.

Comment Re:Buy the patent (Score 1) 124

Trying to extend that all on the old age side of life might not be as great as people think, as we turn into chemical people, taking drugs that might just kill us.

I mean sure but that's also why there's some Nobel's just waiting for someone to come up with an effective Alzeimer's treatment. I think we're actually getting pretty good at people living excellent lives well into their old day's and to me that's a worthy goal, we can wax poetic for sure but time only moves on direction so we don't really have an option. I for one welcome our cyber-pharmo-kinetic future, to me it's a modern luxury to have to think about the fact we might have too much access to things that are literal miracles just a couple centuries prior, everything on that WHO list is a triumph of mankind in my opinion.

We have more people living older before they die, but we haven't actually extended lifespan, only the average age at death.There are no 200 year old people, and I doubt there will be. Lots of things like bones are not designed to live those sort of spans. We wear them out. Shoulders, knees, hips, titanium people.

Even so, have you spent much time around Nursing homes? A lotta people there that cry all day long. But fear not, their doctors prescribe them more pills to keep them crying longer.

Anyhow, if you want to be chemically propped up until you experience proton decay, than that's cool with me. I have no intention of being the healthiest person in the nursing home.

So it depends on who ya talk to.

Comment Re:This isn't the first time I've heard this (Score 1) 195

How is it controlling us? It's our elected representatives making sure we get a fair deal.

For various definitions of fair, I suppose.

And the present trend of massive fines for businesses in the USA that have committed the sin of making money might keep the taxes down a bit for the citizens. That probably seems fair.

There are differing definitions though, and there are some like me who believe that regulations in and of themselves are innocent, the EU uses them way too much in the name of "fairness" .

In the end, yes, I do believe that many in the EU want the government to protect them from the evil du jour, like Apple's insufferable smartphone connector.

And personalized adverts are apparently something that needs regulated. Ireland is (or was) planning on suing the EU for regulatory overreach .

It's just one of those things - it will not be possible for you to accept my opinion because the USA is not comprehensible for many who like the regulations. And I can understand the desire of some people to always be protected by government force. But It is possible to overdo it, there is the dividing line.

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