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Comment Re:What do you bet... (Score 4, Insightful) 509

Even if you could prove to me that guns were used in even half of those cases I would still say your argument has no merit. Having a gun makes no difference in those situations. If you're so pissed off that you're going to kill someone, you're going to find a way to do it. People have been beating, stabbing, bludgeoning, drowning, choking and otherwise finding ways of killing people they dislike since the dawn of man. It's foolish and naive to believe that guns have anything to do with it.

In fact, I'd say gun ownership does more to prevent crime than it does to encourage it. If I'm a big guy and I figure that I could throttle you pretty easily, but I know that you carry a gun, that may dissuade me from assaulting you. I'm not going to say with 100% certainty that it will - that would be hyperbole. I will, however, assert that it would change a lot of people's minds.

Comment Re:No problem. So what's the alternative? (Score 1) 417

I agree. My first thought when I saw this was, "I'm not going to pay for that." I'll either do without it or get it from a different source. Most sites are pretty reasonable when it comes to ads. I really don't mind having a few ads in the margins in exchange for content. Obviously there are exceptions where ads make up 90% of your screen real estate but I avoid those sites like the plague.

Comment Re:Problem (Score 1) 629

It's because they're completely changing their business model. Pizza Hut is now "The Hut" and they're selling pasta and crap. Radio Shack is going to become "The Shack" and sell pizza. Now we just need to wait for a pasta joint that's going to start selling electronics and the circle will be complete.

Comment Re:Take back the seconds (Score 5, Insightful) 383

Regardless of cost it's still incredibly obnoxious having to listen to that crap. Particularly when someone either already has a long message or has gone out of his way to make a short one. Does anyone ever even use those garbage options? Page them? wtf? is this the 90's? If I'd wanted to do that I would have sent him a text.

My second favorite are the menus that start with "Please listen carefully as our options have changed blah blah blah..." It seems, almost invariably, that those messages just become permanent. Someone changes the system and forgets they added that message or never bothers to update it.

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