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Comment Re:RDF (Score 1) 249

Or possibly not. Depends upon the exact words and the metrics used.

It seems like the M-1's are pretty fast in their own right and since they are a newer processor, they would appear to be very fast compared to what most laptops in 2020 have in them currently.
I am not certain of specific numbers, but I wouldn't call it reality distortion until I checked out some benchmarks for the A-14 which is a lesser processor than the M-1 and Intels latest processors in laptops. I believe they hold up pretty well making the supposition at least plausible.

Comment Wondering Why the OP put gaming laptops in the mix (Score 1) 249

Asus' stupidly fast Ryzen 4000 based, GeForce RTX 2060-based Zephyrus G14
Alienware's updated Area 51M
Don't get me wrong, I love gaming laptops, but are they really laptops? The hardware they are sporting certainly is not mobility hardware by and large.
Our gaming laptops don't even work properly if they aren't plugged in.
I have MacBook pro's and some pretty fast gaming laptops, but I wouldn't exactly use those types of gaming machines and lump them into the bulk of "laptops" in an attempt to disprove the speed of Apples machines at this point.
Sure we will know more about the M1 machines as proper benchmarking comes out, but trying to say they aren't faster than 98% of laptops seems a bit premature without benchmarking or in this case lumping in some very specialized hardware designed to be hyper fast and trying to say the Apple laptops therefore are full of it.
We shall see.

Comment Then Perhaps the Citizens get another Day (Score 5, Insightful) 112

Perhaps if an entire day is lost, then once the line is back up they can allow people to register for one extra day.
Personally I am not sure why same day registration isn't everywhere.
Everyone should be able to get to vote and excercise their fundamental right without these barricades which seem artificial somewhat.
Mass voting by all of the Citizens should be the goal.

Comment Author of the Article undermines the point (Score 2) 267

The author in the article displays quite a tone that is not necessary.

"Orange Judas who occupies that office at present nominated Bernard McNamee — an avowed fossil fuel advocate who slobbers all over himself when Charles Koch waves dollars under his nose. "

One may agree or disagree with the president in office currently, but focusing not on disparaging monikers but on the data would be better appreciated.

Comment Re: Landfill technology (Score 1) 270

Sounds like those things needed to happen for China as far as elimination of importing plastics and eWaste. eWaste has been devastating their environment like it could devastate anybody's environment. Currently China is producing large numbers of the panels... it is interesting that they currently won't accept PV's back. At some point perhaps it will be easier to deal with eWaste and PV's and plastics. Technology will solve the worlds problem for dealing not only with the past problem, but also change the design and use of such products so such things become a no brainer to recycle. Up to now there seems to have been not enough emphasis on intelligently managing these things. I believe the future to be brighter.

As far as Coal Burning, China has been throwing up coal fired plants at a furious pace due to increased economic activity. But it also has been doing so for a more benign reason..... replacing older toxic belching coal plants with newer ones that have much much less impact because they spew less toxin and radioactive particles across the landscape.
In the meantime they have been leading the charge in renewables by buying up and stealing technologic innovations which they then use for bring themselves out of this dependence on fossil fuels.

That is an interesting things.
They have been diligently working in a rather monolithic way to bring their country from a poor backward country into being a country which rivals all of the most advanced societies in terms of wealth and technology.
So far they seem to be achieving that goal.

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