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Comment Re:Bah! (Score 2, Informative) 261

I worked with an Iraqi and an Iranian recently. They had both fought in the Iran/Iraq war, and thought they might have even been on opposite sides of the same battle at one stage. They got on very well as colleges, and when I asked one of them about the war he had fought in, he laughed and said that no-one he knew was under any illusions about it. They did their level best not to get killed, and went out of their way not to kill anyone on the other side as well, if they could help it. He was on the Iranian side, and the only person in his unit who wanted to be at war was the unit's mullah, who they all hated and despised. Sounded like the strangest war ever the way he described it.

Comment Re:Damnit (Score 1) 146

Yes, except that at 26c Northland is very warm, but pleasant. At +34C in Australia, its usually too hot to enjoy. Northland also has no poisonous things unless you count the Katipo spider, but I've never seen one, and I've been looking for 40 years or so. (Not continuously).

Comment Re:Tell me again... (Score 5, Informative) 293

That would likely be true if The US were not just a one party state. Also have a look at this: Take special note of this bit: "Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy." That's pretty much exactly what is happening here.

Comment Re:But what created the law of gravity? (Score 1) 1328

Well, I think you should choose mine. I haven't ironed out all the wrinkles yet, but I think it'll work. It will involve beer somewhere along the line, I'm pretty sure about that. I haven't quite figured out how to make you send me money yet, and that seems to be the most important part of any church, so I'll fill in the rest of the details when I've got that bit sorted. Meanwhile, cheers.

Comment Re:Moses (Score 1) 1328

The Pharaoh in question was Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV. He introduced monotheism to the Egyptians, and made the god Aten the supreme god. It was a sort of Sun worship from what I can see. He was exised from history by the rulers who followed him, and only rediscovered later. (19th Century I think). So the answer to the question "Who created God"? is always "We did."

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