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Comment Re:Why is that in Fahrenheit? (Score 1) 247

its the difference between a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie say 60 degrees you have a long sleeve shirt 56 degrees is a hoodie(of course this is all relative as to how you feel the weather, personally i dont need a hoodie till about 48-50 degrees Fahrenheit).

So to be quite frank, it's the difference between no breeze and a slight one, will you feel it yes, will it bother you...not really.

Comment Re:Translation please (Score 1) 123

hmm TSMC has a rather large profit margin for 1-5b to even open it.

9.53B in complete profit in 2010 so within 1 year not only could said foundry pay its self off, it could also pay off all employees and leave 9.5 BILLION in liquid assets per year.

Revenue $13.982 billion (2010)
Operating income $4.444 billion (2009)
cost to open a foundry is also found on wikipedia between 1-4 billion dollars, which given yearly profit one insane investment...someone is living a very nice life now.

Comment Re:investigating pigeon shootings (Score 1) 733

did you COMPLETELY ignore the fact that i said it was STUPID before i said I CAN SEE WHY THEY DO IT....I can see why they do it the logical reason is "ITS CLAY PIDGEONS THAT MOVE AT RANDOM" I am not saying I will do it.

You obviously an activist due to your selective reading.

oh and as to your dog/pidgeon analogy....

who the fuck really thinks a pidgeon is more important to any human than their pet dog.

Also in Missouri you CAN bow hunt deer. i absolutely love it. I can only imagine what an animal rights activist would have done in say Wales, in the 14th century, you run at someone BOW HUNTING trying to feed their family, they are laible to shoot you in the face with said arrow.

As for specific types of hooks, I have my own lake, I paid for it to be dug, and I stocked it. It is a private lake on an 850 acre farm, which is also private property. I will fish what I want with what I want, because what I catch is going on the frying pan. However if I go fish on public property...then yes i will follow any fishing laws to the tee..

Comment Re:investigating pigeon shootings (Score 1) 733

its basically shooting clay pidgeons but live ones, more unpredictable, and they are raised for it specifically, its on their property as well, its basically saying why are cows raised to be eaten...there is not a humane way to die. just faster ways to die, gunshots are pretty quick. While i agree that its pretty god damn stupid(i am a hunter, but i also ENJOY the hunt, and i EAT what i shoot), I can see why they do it.

Comment Re:So What. (Score 2) 189

Exactly...I dont like apple for 2 reasons, business decisions, and walled garden mentality.

I could care less if they are at war with microsoft/google/samsung/htc/nabisco/bunny bread...

Their business practices are the same as microsoft's were, trying to gain 100% control of the market and shutting out ALL competition through lawsuits.. hell at least microsoft bought you out and just quietly shut you down...

Comment Re:Isn't this what Libertarians WANT? (Score 0) 627

I am sure we slashdotters could easily come up with enough tin foil from our hats to make such transmitter.

However "utopian libertarian pipe dream" goes a tad too far. This country is corrupt. That is a fact. If you think that it is a "utopian non-libertarian pipe dream" you are ignorant.

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