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Comment Re: No Dark Matter (Score 2) 276

Dark matter is simply not the answer to galactic rotations as the same issues occur with widely separated binary stars. Dark matter works for one and NOT the other. Quantified Inertia works for both as well as million other things (including the output od an EM drive). QI is currently the best theory we have.

Comment Re:Donald Trump is above the Law (Score 0) 690

No witnesses? The President casually confessed your imagined "crime" on a -conference call-. That is your -core allegation-

Again, you lie. I never made that assertion. But thank your for pointing out that he did.

What is in question is the basic sanity and moral degeneracy of claiming that doing one's job as President to end actual corruption, is in itself corruption. Don't try to evade this, your own brain won't let you.Bullshit.

Evade what? Firstly, you just called me a moral degenerate and questioned my sanity. Your ad hominem comment Essentially demonstrate the opposite. Your poor argument shows you flailing.

He was not doing his job as President, he was illegally holding back monies allocated by congress.

What is my stance on "sanitary cities"? I did not know I had one. Certainly I have never stated one.

Face it, you're ideas are bad, and you agree with other Democrats' bad ideas, because you're simply a fundamentally bad person. And that's massive understatement, but the actual penalty of a lifetime of that, for all of you, is coming, and it is inevitable.

What ideas? What "other Democrats"? Bzzt! Not a democrat, registered or otherwise.

As for the pigeons coming home to roost, I think the Republicans have more to worry about than the Democrats. It appears Romney was the only honest one. That will be noticed by all.

No wonder you're all evasively flailing around randomly to the point of derangement.

Just like Trump you claim others guilty of your own sins. All you seem to have is lies, hot air and rage.

Comment Re:Donald Trump is above the Law (Score 0) 690

Because there were no witnesses, there was White House obstruction. There were and are distinct crimial acts which can and probably will be prosecuted when he is no longer president. Trump has repeatedly been proven to be a liar on a more than daily schedule. He has been impeached and the senate should have removed him from office.

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