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Comment Re:How about not making them candy flavored? (Score 1) 66

Fuck... I haven't read all the replies... but yes if you want to eat cotton candy while playing tiddlywinks after work have fun... I learned a long time ago I can have my fun and do my things and not worry about society or the norms pushed on my by my parents and grandparents.....

However I can judge any person who pulls out a vape, on a public transit platform where smoking or vaping is actually illegal. I can judge those people for breaking the law. I can judge them for smoking a vape that smells like "Cotton Candy" in the same way that those that think those little small marshmallowy candy strawberries smell or taste like real strawberries. They don't.

The chemicals in those shit things are shit. They are worse than smoking. Using them in areas that are illegal to use them is a shitty thing to do. If you use them in those areas Damn Right I have a right to judge you especially if it effects me in a negative way.

You can have fun at home watching sailor moon, transformers or the nature of things while eating cotton candy. I don't give a shit. Real cotton candy smell in the air is amazing.

The fake stuff that is full of chemical shit from vape pens is harmful, and using them on a transit platform where smoking is illegal. I don't want to smell the fake chemical shit. So yes if you use this fake chemical shit that kinda smells like candy cotton in a place where others don't want to deal with and is illegal to use it ..ya I can fucking judge...

Grow the fuck up and realize that your right to "smoke" does not over ride the rights of us who don't want to inhale your shit....

And I occasionally smoke weed... I make sure I am outside and make sure with the wind direction it will not affect any one else at all...

Like Mr. Rogers, it is being a good neighbor.... So could you be, would you be.....????

Comment Re:How about not making them candy flavored? (Score 1, Flamebait) 66

Ha! Close but no cigar my friend... when one is suffering from a cold, has allergies and asthma the chemicals in these things trigger nastiness... same as tobacco. And it is fine if people do this in their own space but not on a subway platform and places like that that are crowded and you can't get away from it.

Funny thing is pot doesn't usually trigger a reaction from me... which I always found strange...

Comment Re:Just in time to go with... (Score 1) 269

Animals produce methane. Methane is 25x worse for green house gases than CO. So getting rid of cattle and such will greatly reduce the methane which looks good.

However the grains/hays that are fed to live stock are grown in fields where far less fertilizers are used. Fertilizers cause the release of N20. N20 is 298x worse than CO and 12 times worse than Methane. So we replace these grass lands with human consumable food, we will need more if we become vegetarian, and release much more N20. https://climatechange.lta.org/...,

Also lots of the lands that I have seen cattle roaming were unsuitable for growing human consumable food, and they were grazing on unfertilized land....

Comment Re:Just in time to go with... (Score 1) 269

It isn't just heart attacks he was looking at, it was cancers and other diseases. And I am not in the US and in places is much different than you describe. And it isn't just cows, we have water buffalo, bison and other live stock. Also the numbers were "your risk goes up by 2% over the average person" as opposed to "Your risk goes up by 1% over the average person". That 1% is next to nothing. So if the average persons risk of a heart disease or cancer is 6% (I am making the number up) and your subgroup is higher at 8% and cutting out all meat means now it is 7% then is that a big enough drop to justify the change? And then take the thought that by dropping processed meats with their nitrates and higher fat levels you would probably get the same result without getting meat right out of your diet.

Comment Re:Just in time to go with... (Score 1) 269

They had him on CBC on Saturday. He was asked about that and it wasn't as straightforward as that. There were different types of studies that were done on the effects of meat. One type was more of an observational study, the others were controlled studies. His cherry picking was to just use the controlled studies as a data point. As for coming up with his preferred results, just say in the original study it found that in a particular group of people they were 2% more likely to have health issues than the rest of the population, but when put on a vegetarian diet they were then found to have only a 1% chance of having health issues compared to the rest of the population. So the original studies presented their results as a 50% reduction in health issues by giving up meat. Where as he states it as only a 1% reduction. And he also said processed meats have a much higher impact than non-processed but then I would argue any processed food like that would be the same. Now going back to the article, in my travels so much of the cow, buffalo and bison that i see being raised for food are just walking wild. I don't know how many times down some mountain dirt road I come across cows, just eating the plants drinking from the streams, their calves along with them. This is land that cannot be used for crops, too mountainous, hilly, rocky etc. Yet native plant species grow there well. Now these cows are living the good life, freedom and eating what they want.... but they are also doing something good too! They are fertilizing the ground making it even better for our native species. They also turn non-human-edible plants into a human edible form, meat! I HATE the whole big cattle factory farms. But I am lucky enough to have so much of my local meat be truly free range.

Comment Re:How about NOOOOOOOOO? (Score 1) 73

I have used a Nokia Windows phone, Android, IPhone, Black Berry and even have used (own one from an acquisition) Palm Pilot. Of all of them I found that the Windows phone was easiest to use. It was intuitive, and felt most natural to use. The lack of applications like Android is what I found was its biggest detractor. I find that with Android (I have only owned an Android) it isn't clear how to do certain things. I accidentally got my phone into split screen mode. I couldn't get it to full screen. I googled and I found a bunch of videos that had different ways of turning off split screen but none worked. I eventually figured it out but it was not intuitive. I was happy to see that MS has an Android Launcher, Keyboard, and Remote Desktop tool. I would like to see the people who designed the UI for the Windows phone UI to do a full skin for Android since we seem to be stuck with it.

Comment Re:Is a smart TV really worth the savings (Score 3, Insightful) 191

No the same thing. Unless the box states that the TV requires an internet connection to work, then it is assumed that the Internet connection should only be needed for the smart features. It is more like a fridge. Imagine if you went to the store and there were only smart fridges. Then you find out they will only work if they have an internet connection. What happens if the internet connection suffers downtime? Your food spoils. It is not unreasonable to assume your devices to work as dumb devices without a connection.

Comment Re:I'm not the only one thinking this is dumbtasti (Score 1) 33

Yes but if you have given Facebook your email address and password to said email account then what do you expect? It is like giving the key and address to your home to a complete stranger and saying "I trust you not to go into my home and take anything." Facebook has my email address, because I needed one to setup and confirm my account. I never, ever, provided them my password.

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