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Comment Re:India is not known for its workmanship.... (Score 1) 352

And what, twenty years ago you could say the same thing about China, probably even moreso. India has massive problems, yes. But they are problems that can be addressed, even better, dealt with in a manner far more farmilliar to western firms than in China. Twenty years ago, Chinese goods were invariably described as crap. Nowadays, the description varies from "meh, it's alright" to "they made that in China?". It all depends on which company is doing the manufacturing and how closely they watch their suppliers.

As for sweatshops, a large reason you've seen them dissapear to an extent in China and other countries is not government crackdowns (any country that has large amounts of sweatshops is invariably one that will not do more than token raids and legal pressure) but from the companies employing said labor because the public outcry about using said labor can be business-killing.

Give India the same capital and time that China got, and I'm certian that we'll see the at the least the same selection of quality. But with far more positive social benefits for India.

Comment Re:Good job: Buying your future (Score 3, Interesting) 426

I hear what you are saying but I don't think it works. The REALLY big innovations rarely ever get done at some big behemoth company (sure there are exceptions like PARC and Bell Labs.) Most of the time the next huge thing comes from some guy starting his OWN company. Let's not forget that Europe saw the US dominance in computers and tried their own big government subsidies and it did very little to stop Intel, Microsoft, etc.

If you really want to look long term, then you have the best universities (the US is still far and away at the top here) and provide basic funding for university research.

Comment Re:Microsoft - why no AV in Windows install? (Score 1) 896

Why do they make you download it?

it has more to do with not being sued by mcafee, norton, et al. than anything else. remember when microsoft tried to give you a browser for free? now they are being forced by law to implement a "browser chooser" that runs at OS install time.

MS is certainly not concerned about the quality of your computing experience unless it involves you not purchasing any more MS products.

surprise, but no company is concerned about you in any way at all other than whether you will buy and continue to buy more of their products.

Comment Re:HTML5 Video (Score 1) 428

BTW debian provide full DVD sets of their main repositry that can be used with apt.

there aren't any CD images of contrib or non-free but if you download them with debmirror I think everything in contrib and non-free for an architecture will fit on one dvd.

I think ubuntu do a dvd of main too but unlike debian ubuntu have a fairly small main section and I don't think they do any media of universe.

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