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Comment Re:impossible for consumers to operate it. (Score 1) 650

A) how often do you make those trips?
B) Would you not agree that people whose relatives live more like 100-200 miles away visit them more often than you do yours because they are closer?

C'mon, man, don't extrapolate your anecdotal evidence into data.

You are the "With some rare exception" the GP is talking about. Can't you recognize that?

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 157

Actually, you couldn't be more wrong.

Umm ... have you played an EA NCAA football game? They clearly use the exact players from the collegiate teams to make up their rosters (even the backups) - they get their hometowns right, their listed heights and weight, their skin color, even their hairstyles, and of course, their jersey numbers and positions. Then they name them "#15" instead of Tim Tebow and don't pay him anything for the privilege.

The chief issue here is whether or not it is legal for the NCAA (a non-profit organization presumably there to look out for the interests of its amateur athletes) to license out amateur players' images to video game companies.

Or more importantly why players aren't allowed to opt out of having their image recreated for the game if they so choose.

There are arguments for both sides, but don't demean Mr. Keller's arguments by calling this a nuisance suit.

Comment Re:Isn't this sort of obvious. (Score 1) 276

People who plan pregnancies are not likely to try to target November - January, because it's cold and they won't want their babies birth close to Christmas and Thanksgiving.

(Score:3, Interesting)

I guess "random statement about planned pregnancies that makes no sense when you read it twice" is the same as "interesting" these days? Kind of like the beardy guy smelling like underpass spouting not-real-Bible-quotes at me. "Yes, yes, very interesting ... please let go of my sweater. No, no more crazy, I am full, thanks."

Comment Re:makes sense (Score 1) 776

First off: Coke and Pepsi own most fruit juice brands, too.

Secondly: Do you think giving your money to Anheuser-Busch, Guinness, or Ernest Gallo is some big improvement over Coke and Pepsi?

New boss, meet the old boss.

Comment Re:makes sense (Score 1) 776

Does "without concern" over the final cost also include a lack of concern for being hounded by collection agencies and driven into bankruptcy for failure to pay? Good luck buying a car to drive you to the ER next time!

Does "receive full treatment" mean waiting 12 hours and then dying in the ER lobby waiting for attention? (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/02/national/main4227468.shtml)

Do you go to the ER for cervical cancer screenings? No? So you arrive there with advanced treatment, they offer you no hope, and you go home to die, for want of some affordable-on-insurance preventive visits?

Are there both cheaper and more humane ways of getting health care? Holy fuck are there ever, my friend.

Comment Re:Transportation promising, Tax option too politi (Score 1) 154

Um what, indeed.


Sales taxes are regressive because there is a minimum amount of consumption everyone must do to live, and it affects a higher percentage of a poor person's income than a rich person's.

Consider: a person making $1000 a month who pays $100 in sales tax on groceries, clothes, and other living necessities versus a person making $8000 a month buying the same groceries and clothes.

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