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Comment additional advice: (Score 0) 413

if you are walking or riding along the side of a road, choose to walk/ ride on the side that makes you face traffic

in some places this is actually against the law. i still advise the practice

because i would rather see the car/ truck that is about to kill me, and probably be able to leap at the last moment. you have no such opportunity at self-preservation when you walk/ ride with vehicular traffic coming at you from behind

some might say you are making life harder for other cyclists/ walkers obeying the law and walking/ riding with their backs to traffic. to which i say: i am sorry you are an idiot, who prioritizes the risk of a fine over the potential to save your life. you should start riding/ walking against traffic too

Comment so their building a surveillance network (Score 1) 860

it has to feed off it's target at certain access points. these can be located and identified. they will also be protected. but each will have a weakness, no matter how many such access points, they can be hurt

let's kill it

it will be a box in a server room, a conduit under street, a transmitter on a roof

let's sabotage these fucking assholes

in the name of the founding principles of this country, fuck these goons

Comment Re:20 years passed (Score 0) 422

there's something about spring, and april particularly

there is such a thing as seasonal affective disorder


my point is, it is possible to suggest that there is some sort of deeply rooted seasonal psychological fluctuation in humans that might explain why mid spring / april in the northern hemisphere is the time of crazies

Comment Re:How Tragic (Score 2) 422

The factory didn't make explosives, it only made fertilizers. It is stuff that like many chemicals can in some situations be explosive, no doubt.

fertilizers and explosives share a common trait:

lots of nitrogen

for the fertilizer, it's the bioavailability of nitrogen for plants that is the point

for explosives, the point is that nitrogen really, really wants to be N2 again

for explosives, AND fertilizer, when you pack a lot of nitrogen together in a chemical, and then heat it up, the nitrogen tends to figure out how to become happy N2 again, releasing a lot of energy in the process

a fertilizer factory is basically the same as an explosives factory, in regards to the existence of lots of chemical feedstock compounds containing nitrogen grumbling that it is not N2

Comment Re:Jumping to conclusions (Score 1) 1105

terrorism has a specific meaning

or at least it should

the surprise intentional mass murder on innocent civilians outside of wartime for political reasons

however, the term has been so abused and overused and applied to so many completely unrelated subjects (my professor is a terrorist for scheduling the final when he did... my political opponent is a terrorist because of his fiscal policies... etc) that the word no longer has a coherent meaning


Fusion Rocket Could Take Us To Mars 171

New submitter imikem writes "University of Washington researchers and scientists at a Redmond-based space-propulsion company are building components of a fusion-powered rocket aimed to clear many of the hurdles that block deep space travel, including long times in transit, exorbitant costs and health risks. 'Using existing rocket fuels, it's nearly impossible for humans to explore much beyond Earth,' said lead researcher John Slough, a UW research associate professor of aeronautics and astronautics. 'We are hoping to give us a much more powerful source of energy in space that could eventually lead to making interplanetary travel commonplace.' 'The research team has developed a type of plasma that is encased in its own magnetic field. Nuclear fusion occurs when this plasma is compressed to high pressure with a magnetic field. The team has successfully tested this technique in the lab. Only a small amount of fusion is needed to power a rocket – a small grain of sand of this material has the same energy content as 1 gallon of rocket fuel.'"

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