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Comment the framework is to blame (Score 4, Interesting) 54

meaning, the o/s.

if you have to WORRY about data leakage and security from an APP, then your whole o/s is all wrong and untrustable.

which is exactly what I think of anything google makes that is android or android-like (they change names for some reason). I do have a recent pixel phone but the system is still a freaking mess. it does the wrong thing (swipes SUCK, dammit. bring back buttons, even screen buttons, that are stable) and while its permission system has gotton better, if you STILL have to worry about a rogue app, then you never did your job as a system architect to begin with.

I wont go with apple for many reasons. they have their own problems. almost the exact opposite, in fact.

really sucks we have no portable computers that run honest actual linux in the way desktop does. I feel fully in control of my linux boxes at home. I feel like I'm renting my phone, when it comes to android. and so I dont give it much of my life, I dont pile up on the apps and I dont use web much on it, either (no good blockers like I have at home).

state of mobile has sucked and will always suck. its why we cant have nice things (grin)

Comment Re:Who is killing themselves? (Score 1, Insightful) 154

musk was never on the left. he fooled a lot of people but that time is over and never coming back.

everyone I know wants to sell their tesla (including me) and no one wants to work there or for any of his companies. I'm in the field and I wont work for him.

wonder why he's trying to switch back to calif for his tech home base? could not get anyone good to move to a red state hellhole.

elon's a lucky idiot. he's not smart. he was just very lucky and at the right place at the right times.

his current judgement more than shows he's just a regular guy who got lucky. ...and he can go to hell, too.

Comment Re:Killing themselves just to own the libs (Score 1) 154

I dont expect much from the non-thinking class. I used to think a certain min would be there, but not anymore. I've seen a lot over just the past 4 or 6 years and I've seen all I need to see.

they exist to 'other' people. its a primitive feeling but its who they are. its just who they *are*.

they wont change. they are forever children, mentally. sorry if that offends but just LOOK at who they like and admire and for what reasons.

look at their leader and how he writes. presidential? ever? not once. not ever. forever a man-child, and a spoiled one, at that.

the R's are all in admiration of russia. russia! can you believe it? again, just to 'own the libs'.

this is not a party you can take seriously. but sad to say, they have always been like this. its just now more obvious than ever.

Comment zero sympathy (Score 1) 104

you picked a language that you thought would save you time and money.

but this is oracle. shouldn't you have migrated away from them years ago?

you have only yourself to blame if you still use this crap.

(I used to work for sun many years ago. sun was great, but oracle was a piece of shit to work for).

its like the NY repubs that are 'shocked' that santos was a professional liar. really - shocked that you voted in an R and he's the biggest liar of all time? yeah, you have only yourself to blame for voting for a guy like that and expecting anything different.

know what you are buying. you are to blame for what ends up happening. no one forced either of these on you - you chose it - and you dont deserve shock and surprise when the deal with the devil went south.

(heh. south.)

Comment Re:So much for Tesla (Score 5, Informative) 87

I used to follow the tesla forum and saw the fanboys constantly assuring us that tesla has the best and most advanced and no one else will ever come close.

(I work in the field; not at T, though)

I know that T's stuff is not all that great. elon lies. a lot. and eventually when you drive it enough you get to see what its good at and what its not.

it will never get to level 3 with its current hardware. its not even really safe at level 2.

'most of the time' is just not enough 9's. T does not really care, they want the customer money (once) and then customer can go to hell.

so, I avoid T from now on and am glad they're getting their had handed to them by a 'quiet competitor' (one who does not brag nearly as much as that elon character does)

Comment Re:Manshin's a Dino (Score 1) 71

on the super big issues, he votes with the R's.

like that little pixie from the west side of the country. she'll not get re-elected which is why she switched parties.

both are scum and both would create some happiness in the world if they both disappeared from the earth; any way poossible is ok.

the US without them would have been a much better place in so many ways.

both of them are scum. does not matter on the toy votes; the real votes - they both fucked us and fucked us HARD.

Comment Re: Ka-Ching... (Score 5, Informative) 77

ironic, in that people from india, in tech, tend to emphasize java and even M$ style systems. when I interview and look for even the most basic linux skills, they almost never are there. windows, oh yeah, this and that, but not ip networking, not unix of any kind, just no.

if you want java, have all you want. but, uh, that's not even a thing in my world. embedded and unix types dont do lots of java; and if java sits on top and does things, that's not our job ;)

ibm sending its unix to india. yeah. bye bye ibm unix.

(ob disc: I used to work at dec, sgi, sun and a few others like that in my day. goml)

Comment Re:a reboot can take about 90 minutes! (Score 2, Insightful) 176

both senate and the house were nearly deadlocked and any majority was not enough to break the 60 thresh. add in the fact that one party exists only to taunt the others (ALL others), and destroy what we currently have - its no wonder that not as much got done as the progressives wanted.

finally, there were two that were in the pockets of the extreme right and that mucked up the works, too.

there was no true majority. not with the filthybuster still in place. as long as the country is divided and the FB is in place in its current state, nothing real will ever get done.

and the nihilists on the right LOVE that fact. sabotage is their only game plan, now. for the next two years, they'll ruin everything they possibly can and they blame it on 'see, government cant work!'.

talk about terrorism. we now have more to worry about the vile 1/3 of us than any foreign foe.

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