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Comment Re:Local coordination not terribly likely (Score 2) 154

IMHO, 40 days is too long. The data should exist for as long as the investigation occurs. With plate scanners, that should be measured in seconds. While I disagree with plate scanning in general (people should be held to their driving habits, not their registration practices...) Holding on to that data for longer is just assuming that everyone is guilty of something and until you out what, you retain that data.

Comment Re:that explains something that happened to me (Score 1) 154

Really, it's a matter of being guilty until proven innocent. It doesn't matter if you have the registration paperwork in your car and you are coming from the BMV. If you don't have that registration on the car... guilty. It's assuming that everyone out there is trying to skirt the law and assuming they are all guilty so "scan them all". It's not about waiting until someone does something bad enough to warrant pulling them over. They can be the safest driver in the world, but holy hell... if they forget to update their registration right away they are no better than a common criminal!

Comment Re:This is the dumbest idea ever (Score 1) 478

Search seems broken though. ... puts you out in the middle of the ocean, but the words are "readable.aahing.everywhere" ... sucks to be Battle Mountain, Nevada ... but the words there are "ledge.punks.nets" ... "drama.ambulances.dice"

I can't figure out how their search works if you don't put in precisely 3 words divided by periods.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 0) 566

X headers are for browser specific and/or programs written to understand them. If you didn't create it or use it for any real purpose, why are you trying to parse it? Just skip to the end of the line and pick up the next header that you know how to deal with.

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score 3, Insightful) 976

I grew up with real guns and I was even told not to point toy guns at people. "What if a piece of plastic flies out of that and hits your eye?" was the common go to phrase. We now have nerf guns at work and I get anxious when someone points one of those at me fearing plastic shrapnel.

It's not that I'm afraid of guns now (I own several) but it is an example of a kid growing up with guns all around and being properly educated/aware of the dangers. I think those that have no awareness are the ones that cause real danger.

Comment Re: Citation Needed (Score 1) 354

If you want to you could have whatever validation (or any) script you use on the server be sent to the client to be run before they submit the data. You still have server side sanity checking and you get client side for "free".

I assume the sell is mainly part of being able to seamlessly share data via JSON (without extra parsers) and working with one language all the time. That's the main "cool" factor for me. I don't have to switch "modes" and think Ruby/.NET/PHP when working on the backend and then switch to thinking "JavaScript" on the front.

Comment Re:Liberty (Score 1) 356

> 10 years ago most people identifying as libertarians opposed gay marriage because they thought the government shouldn't be in the marriage business

10 years ago? As a (small 'L')libertarian, I feel that today. The only catch is that I don't think there should be any benefit for any marriage. I don't think religious ceremony or beliefs should be a part of our daily modus operandi be it gay marriage, abortion regulation, birth control, or whatever. That's the reason we have States set up to enact laws to control their people and the Federal Government is supposed to be on the citizen's side to protect our freedom. Sadly, corruption has been wiggling it's way in over the past 200+ years.

There are conservatives that are clinging to ideas of libertarianism to further their agenda, but that happens all around. Unfortunately, these clingers are the vocal ones.

Comment Re:Tax dodge (Score 1) 356

Or just make staple foods and some other things that are required to live tax free (maybe even a tax barrier where items up to $x are non-taxed.) This way only the "poor" buying luxury items on a regular basis will be impacted.

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