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Comment Re:Went straight from win 3.1 to OS/2 (Score 2) 108

As a developer for a DOS app, Win 3.1 crashed often and hard. I was super glad when I got OS/2 and could run Win.3 under it and when it crashed I'd just start a new Win process. Loved the MS C 7 cross compiler, I could compile my code under OS/2 for Win/Dos rather than having to run 386Max memory manager to compile under crashy Windows. OS/2 Warp 4.0 seemed more stable than the hardware was. At one time I had a Microsoft OS/2 notepad with Bill Gate's hand written signature on it. WS2003 was probably the first super stable Win OS. I've had those running for years at a time with no issues. I work on Mac, Windows, Linux, any OS now all are way more stable then back then a quarter or more of a century ago, old.

Comment CRT Astigmatism (Score 1) 109

Make sense to me. I have an astigmatism perhaps caused by staring at CRT screens all day. If you recall, CRTs screens curve convex "( )". I think my astigmatism corrected for the curves. I remember when the new flat screen LEDs came out to me they looked concave ") (". It's been a long time since I've stared at a CRT and my astigmatism has improved and screens look normal "| |" now.

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