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Comment Re:500e is a compliance/city car (Score 1) 90

That's why I like the balance of a Tesla M3 and a Honda Pilot in the garage. They cover 98% of the car use cases. The Pilot gets filled up about once a month and the Tesla is the golf cart charged at home for practically everything around town, trips on the major highways and simply having 2 cars to share as needed.

Comment Re:So much hate for the sound of cicadas (Score 1) 22

Count me as the other side. I never even heard of a cicada, not a thing in my part of California. Until I visited Tokyo this summer. That fingernails on chalkboard sound (to me) is everywhere. Gives me chills thinking about it though I did find myself able to filter out the noise later in the trip. Ugly AF too.

Comment Pick/BASIC anyone? (Score 1) 134

My first job that required some level of programming was based on BASIC in 1991. It was BASIC but didn't require line numbers and was compiled. There were extensions meant for writing Pick database reports that was all written on a mainframe made by ... Sanyo.

Comment Re:How much is due to a lack of GIT Knowledge? (Score 1) 59

I don't have the time to select the files one by one.

Drives me crazy to see that. scaffold the project (e.g., gradle init) if necessary, create gitignore and ignore the junk and push.

Clone the project on another folder or ask a colleague to do it and double-check it's not keeping stuff that's automatically generated.

Create a fixed filename for secrets and gitignore that. Only read from that filename until your project matures to more sophisticated scenarios.

Takes a few minutes.

Comment Whose greenhouse emissions? (Score 1) 67

My CA employer is a typical software company with just over 1 billion in revenue. Most of the software runs in the AWS cloud.

What emissions do they have to track? Employees driving to work? AWS data center energy usage? Or does Amazon track that? Does Amazon who is HQ'd in Washington but has huge presence in CA report these numbers?

Oh yeah, my employer also has physical presence in two other states. How does that figure in?

Comment Re:220v outlets (Score 1) 145

14-50 cost $250 to install in my garage (in California). I was in a favorable position at least. The panel was already upgraded -- thanks homeowner's insurance nannies. There was already wiring for a spa from the previous owners so I assume it was pretty simple for the electrician who knows what he's doing -- pulling the wire into the garage and cutting out the wall for the outlet. I can go from 20% to 100% overnight no problem. I charge 1-2x per week.

Comment Re:And car dealers (Score 1) 145

I assume they mean dealers in the broadest sense. In other words, Tesla is part of the current $7500 tax credit and presume they would be part of this too.

So, Tesla is charging less than 40k for a basic 3. I know, I just bought one. This is just making it more satisfying to get the money now. Instead I have to wait until 2024 to get my rebate. No big, but psychologically better to get a rebate check. That's what I will get from my local air district. $3000 in a check. Either way, it all spends the same. I will net out at $30k on the car after rebates.

Comment Re:The economics don't seem right (Score 2) 248

Last week took me 36 hrs from deposit to uploading paperwork to phone call to schedule pickup. Granted I deliberately chose what was available but there were plenty of grays available which I like. Basic M3 was just under 38k (minus the typical tax and reg costs). Then 3 levels of California and Fed rebates to get the net cost down.

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