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Comment Re:Load of BS as usual about autism. (Score 1) 160

Sure, that's what science "knows" about it so far, but the idea that gut bacteria are a deciding factor also fits perfectly along with your "genetic or environmental" concept. If all you have is a hammer (genetics, environmental observation) then everything looks like a nail. Maybe there's more to it than bacteria, but the chemicals that we put into our body very obviously can affect behaviour and mental state.

Comment Re:common threads (Score 1) 160

Probably quite a lot through the course of the day, though I suppose a lot of them might die in that environment. I guess I should have said "gut", then. When I say "stomach" I'm often referring to the whole intestinal area, the same as someone might say "lie on your stomach", when in fact they mean your belly..

Comment Re:Interesting findings, for the lazy (Score 1) 160

I wonder if there's some underlying difference in the neurology of the autism-model mice such that the metabolite "sets off" the autism-model behaviours rather than anxiety. Or perhaps the metabolite causes anxiety in both communities but the anxiety only then "sets off" the autism-model behaviours in the autism-model mice.

Is it not the case that the metabolite is necessary for the problem bacteria to replicate - but that the healthy mice don't have these bacteria in the first place, so introducing it won't have the same effect?

Comment Re:Load of BS as usual about autism. (Score 4, Insightful) 160

Autism is genetic and is also influenced / is a function of the environment they are brought up in

Did you consider that it might not be passed on through DNA at all, and completely is a result of the environment, including the bacteria that your mum's side of the family have in their body? Or perhaps your DNA makes you more susceptible to these bacteria. I've been trying to figure out how exactly food affects my mood and behaviour for a while now..

Comment Re:Better late than never (Score 1) 108

Why am I going to buy a locked down set top box from Valve to play Steam games when I can do the same thing on my PC now?

Oh gee, I guess you figured out a problem in their plan - I can't believe they didn't notice that!

Either that or you're not part of their intended market.

Comment Re:"tolerance" (Score 1) 378

I don't know why mechanical failure is any more of a "real" accident than software failure? If the drone is properly designed and maintained, then an accident due to mechanical failure should be less common than mechanical failure in properly maintained aircraft. The design of quad/hex/whatever drones is simpler and has more redundancy than any aircraft designed to carry people. The only accidents outside of human control would be things like bird strikes.

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