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Comment Re:No interest (Score 1) 178

Including the freedom to take away other peoples freedom, I suppose?

If someone modifies BSD source and distributes their product without distributing their own source, they haven't taken away anyone's freedom. Anyone who wants to use their binaries without having access to the source can make that choice. Anyone who demands to have source with binaries can go back to the original code. The developer has not taken away anyone's freedom, they have just chosen not to extend certain freedom.

Comment Re:dude (Score 1) 357

Let 'em all in. If you're going to pull down six digits (and pay taxes on it) then I say: WELCOME TO THE U.S.A.

Here's the thing. We Americans don't actually build stuff, grow stuff or put stuff together anymore. Well, we do, but it's becoming more and more rare. What do we do? We make software and design stuff. Unfortunately, the kind of endeavors one might easily imagining doing somewhere else. We really, really don't want that to happen, since it's this kind of activity we're going to rely on moving forward to support the rest of the economy, which is inwardly focused (medicine, finance, service industry, etc.) That's why we really want all the world's bad-ass scientists, engineers and developers to re-locate their Hindi / Mandarin / who-the-hell-cares-as-long-as-they-also-speak-English selves stateside and get to work building the next Facebook Google.

You should visit the Midwest some time. There are entire states devoted to growing stuff.

Comment Re:That (Score 1) 650

use your advanced engineering skills & google it. ;-)

Maybe you should try that yourself: For you lazy ones: From January 2011 until March, servicemembers who gave more than $200 contributed about $333,134 to Paul's campaign, as compared to about $184,505 for Obama and just $45,738 to Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney, according to an analysis by the center. "But in March, Obama and Paul switched places," Choma wrote. "Members of the military sent $36,448 to Obama and just $17,733 to Paul. Even though Romney solidified his position as the presumptive Republican nominee, military donations to his campaign remained anemic -- only $8,630."

use your advanced engineering skills & google it. ;-)

Maybe you should try that yourself: For you lazy ones: From January 2011 until March, servicemembers who gave more than $200 contributed about $333,134 to Paul's campaign, as compared to about $184,505 for Obama and just $45,738 to Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney, according to an analysis by the center. "But in March, Obama and Paul switched places," Choma wrote. "Members of the military sent $36,448 to Obama and just $17,733 to Paul. Even though Romney solidified his position as the presumptive Republican nominee, military donations to his campaign remained anemic -- only $8,630."

So if you add it all up, you get:

$350,867 for Paul
$220,953 for Obama
$54,368 for Romney.

Comment Re:Not the point. (Score 0) 334

Spanking, whether it is effective or not for getting a child to stop a particular act, is bad for all children. It leads to aggression, lower test scores, etc. Whatever the manifestation for a particular child the point is, if I shoot you in the foot you're going to stop kicking me with that foot, but let's look beyond just getting you to stop kicking me. Put another way, when there is permanent harm, it doesn't matter if it is effective. It could be the most effective method out there and that would change that it is wrong, especially in light of alternatives.

I was spanked as a child, and I did not become aggressive. I got a 36 on the ACT, 1600 on the SAT, 5s on several AP tests, etc. What was your argument, again?

Comment Re:Why an app at all? (Score 1) 332

Yes. The fact that Apple does things differently than everyone else is "all your fault". Sorry, but most people just don't buy into that sort of cult mentality. They will see Apple's quirks and at best be annoyed. They are of no real value and only seek to drive away anyone that's ever used a computer before.

So your idea is that Apple should duplicate Windows so that people can switch over more easily? What would be the point? Apple was developing UIs before Microsoft was, there's no reason for them to switch.

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