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Comment We need an other Apple. (Score 2) 18

The current Apple has been mostly just doing the same stuff, which is boring. But we need a new Apple, that will review the technology, wait until it matures enough to be useful, then actually makes software to utilize the hardware in a useful game changing manner.

While Quantum computing has its potential benefits, there isn't a killer app that will make you really need one as of yet.

Comment So next full screen presentation mode? (Score 1) 60

We use teams at work, with a hybrid work at home, work from office, also across many locations. The extroverts still like their office meetings where the screen is projected (or displayed with a large TV). Microsoft Teams seemed for some stupid reason doesn't think having a true full screen focus on content without the controls being shown is something that people want. While the Microsoft "help" site is full of complaints on why they can't have it a feature.

Comment Re:I don't think the problem is social media itsel (Score 1) 66

As a parent you wouldn't want to prevent your kid from drinking. However there are laws that prevent kids from buying alcohol at the stores. Kids will not always obey their parents, more so when they are with other kids. As a parent you also need to balance control and have your children learn freedom. If good enforceable laws are in play on Socal Media companies, that will allow you to give the child freedom while keeping some of the safety.

Comment Re:I don't think the problem is social media itsel (Score 2) 66

Quite true. Social Media isn't good for adults too. A strong logical argument, will often. Have little debate. So it wouldn't track will with the Algorithm. However a stupid comment, that often pushes an emotional appeal, will create debate, and argument. Thus the algorithm will elevate it.

Social Media is information Junk Food, not healthy and full of uninsightful information.

Comment Re:We can make school a better environment (Score 1) 66

It isn't the standard, but the focus on the minutia and competitive with them.
I remember during an interview to get into the masters program, the Dean looking at my transcript, questioned the few 2.3 GPA classes I got. My response sheemed to shock her. "Those were the classes that I learned the most from" The high 3.5 and above were classes that I came into already knowing the bulk of the material, and I just needed to show that I knew it.
The 2.6+ classes. I had a good grasp of the info and learned some more details. The classes that were under that I had to study hard for them, as I was learning new information and new concepts that I needed work out in my head"

A lot of students train themselves to get the grade. Test taking skills, study for short term memory to pass the test with a good grade. Fixing the grading system where most students get a 2.3 GPA is a good thing, as there is less stress towards getting high grades. But learning the information properly.

Comment Is it really a problem for academia? (Score 1) 39

Is this really a problem with academia?
If students are going to want to cheat, they are going to find a way to cheat, and the current cheating methods, are probably just as easy as using ChatGPT and risking a fully BS response, or a sudden change in the quality of the students work.

Back in my day when I took Computer Science, a Developer IDE key features where syntax coloring, and being able to compile a project within the IDE. By the time I graduated, the IDE, allowed for some type ahead features, integrated step debugging and nested code management. Those features would had been considered cheating at the time, because it made the projects too easy for the students to complete the assignments faster, as well not really realize a lot of the auto correct stuff took place, which when I took the class, I may had to spend hours tracing the code to see where I messed up.

The good professors adapted to the new technologies, and used it to accelerate their course, having the CS students focus more on the actual problem vs the coding mechanics of writing code. They may have also made the assignments to have requirements to break the languages and IDE standards.

ChatGPT is really just a tool, that could actually be incorporated within the class. A next class assignment. Ask ChatGPT to create C# class that override operators to do math to a string varable. test it out with a set of formula's (give some examples to generate large numbers) Have the students give you their code for the assignment. Now for the next project using the existing code, modify it to handle different base numbers. Comment the changes any why.

Comment Re:Welcome to the new normal. (Score 1, Insightful) 77

These are wild fires, which do happen naturally without human intervention... However with Climate change, basically putting all the areas natural state in a new normal, there is an increase risk of wildfire, now that normally wet areas are now dry, dry areas are now wet, causing a lot of runoff, or causing increased growth in (flammable) plant matter.

Comment Re:Fighting climate change is pointless (Score 0, Troll) 77

So you just want to spend extra money in fuel cost, just to look like a jackass to the other drivers?
It doesn't make you Car/Truck any faster.
It burns more fuel.
It obstructs the other drivers field of vision.
Gives you an easy trail for police to track you.
Those Greeny EV Drivers, will just use their extra HP and Torque that is part of the electric motor, to quickly pass by you just to show how slow and stupid your car is.

Comment Re:Yay (Score 4, Interesting) 309

If you want to run an authoritarian government, you are probably in it for your own personal reasons, with little general concern about the people who you are leading.

To achieve this, you need a population of doers, but not thinkers. Thinkers will question your commands, they will also evaluate their own stances and biases to try to keep them honest as well. They will often see threw the authoritarian ruler and note that much of its commands are stupid and misinformed, with the only goal of keeping them in power.
The doer, respect the authoritarian ruler, as they are telling them what to do, and how to see the world. A seemingly stupid idea, is actually some ingenious big picture problem solving that is just above the average guys comprehension. Which gives the authoritarian the power and respect they think they deserve, as well an army of cannon fodder to protect their position of power.

The best way to appease the masses of doers, is to make sure they have jobs and are doing things. High polluting industry jobs are easy to start up, they make cheap product that will sell, and give you an economic advantage over other countries that try to be more careful about the envrionment.

Evolution makes people think about their progeny, and if their offspring can survive the environment.
Chemistry explains how things work, and why pollution is bad, at a more detailed level.
Also they bring up a history where the scientists had to show that their ideas conflicted with ideologies of the time, and forced change.

Comment High Risk High Reward (Score 5, Insightful) 13

We get this all the time. VC putting in a lot of money into a new trend, gambling that it will not be a fad.
When we hear that VC are investing into something, it is just basically saying there is a new, "new shiny" out there. With odds slightly better that it will be the next big thing, then it would fail.

However I have more faith in AI technology over Cryptocurrencies, because it has been an established product for decades. We sometimes just didn't call it AI, and it was managed to handle smaller limited tasks. AI is the next Big Data, which was the next Business Intelligence, which was the next Decision Support System, which was the next Data Warehouse, which as the next Database, which was the next Digital Storage, with was the next filing system....


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