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Comment Re:that is a massive rip-off of my data allotment (Score 1) 180

I would wager the various adblocking tools will be updated to handle these new Facebook ads pretty quickly. You would think that by now marketers would have learned that people will generally let ads slide as long as they are unobtrusive, but these 'HEY LOOK AT ME!' ones always end up with people either avoiding the site or installing blocking software. These ads just don't work.

I guess we are seeing yet another new generation of marketers learning old lessons, or old marketers who have rising through the ranks and not learned a think for the last 20 years.

You would think that by now people would have learned that their own experiences does not equate to those of most people ;)

Most people don't use ad blocking software. Most people don't actually know it exists.

Most people accept that the Internet is all full of ads, and will continue to frequent sites laden with them because they don't realize there's a choice.

We know this is true because the advertising business remains extremely profitable - which only happens when ad impressions are made.

Comment Re:that is a massive rip-off of my data allotment (Score 1) 180

I also have no FB account anymoer, and I have to say that you're not as right as you might think.

Sure, you get communication with people when you initiate conversations - but if you want to just keep up-to-date on what your friends are doing in life without having to pester them about, it's gotten much harder for the facebook-disconnected to do.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 182

So you'd rather that no one was allowed to report on any news until it had been sanitised and given some official seal of approval?

Please tell me where I said that. The rest of your argument is based on that premise, which is incorrect.

My point was not that anything should be sanitized, but that the sensationalist so-called journalism we have today does have consequences. Nothing more or less.

Comment Re:I don't see the problem (Score 1) 182

In one 15 minute news segment that I watched today, I counted 23 uses of the word "terror". Over the course of an hour, they had non-stop live reporting - but told us basically the same basic known *facts* - there were three of them - and filled the rest of the time with speculation and fear-mongering.

Among the patients discussing this in the doctor's office I was in today (that's why i got force-fed an hour of this crap), the consensus was that the increased police presence that we'll be seeing in several major cities was a good thing, and that those Muslims (wtf? speculation - based only on a 'what if' scenario in the NBC 'news' coverage) deserved whatever they got.

My favorite part of that segment was when they had a child psychologist come on to tell parents not to continually expose their children to images from the attack - while looping video from the attack in a sidebar next to her head.

The only thing you need to do to see the harm of such 'journalism' is open your eyes.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 182

This a thousand times.

I was in the doctor's office today and watched over an hour of "breaking live news" in which we learned:
- bombs went off
- injuries and deaths
- speculation
- speculation
- speculation
- speculation
- speculation

Then we repeated the above in a loop. And were continuing to do so when I left. I counted at least 23 uses of the word "terror" in one 15 minute segment, including the new and popular "terror event".

The noise from twitter and the noise from blogs and the noise from news -it's all the same. And people drink it up.

Comment Re:Silverlight greatness (Score 1) 394

Which means Windows and OSX.
They will not make a linux or BSD plugin, had they wanted to stream to those platforms it would have already happened.

Yea, makes a lot of sense ... they are coming out with a new technology to support exactly the same platforms they already support. Great business strategy.

Eh? If silverlight is going away as it seems to be, it's nothing to do with a business strategy - they need to be able to continue to support their service. In addition, I expect they received a fair penny from MS to use Silverlight, and it's quite possible that the specified time on that particular contract is coming to an end.

As far as other platform support: don't look for it anytime soon no matter what tech they go with. There simply is no return on investment for them to maintain and support a service for such a small portion of their user base - especially when you consider partner agreements that are likely rather restrictive in terms of DRM requirements.

Comment Re:ad networks (Score 1) 978

Or they could sell subscriptions (to readers) and syndication rights (to other newspapers, and aggregators like Google). Presumably the original content has value. I'd be suspicious if the content was supposed valuable, but nobody but advertisers was actually willing to pay for it.

You mean syndicate to sites that present the content and slather it with their own ads? ;)

Comment It's not the ads (Score 5, Insightful) 978

For the most part it's not the ads. If they're not blinking or obnoxious I can live with them.

It's the tracking intrinsic to the ads that are the problem.

Use a service that allows you to host the ads on your own servers, so that I know the only person collecting my data is the site that I'm visiting.

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