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Comment Re:Are the concerns valid? (Score 1) 168

I had an interesting chat with our MD and while he was in China they told me a very interesting story. He was having dinner with a HK investment and manufacturing company and they were talking about jobs and supplying product within China and dealing with main land officials. So the story goes one day an official comes to the factory in China and during negotiations he asks them to fabricate equipment that will fail at a set time. The logic being that once the product fails people will have to buy another one thus this creates jobs. Well our friend in HK said to the official he will think about it then never contacted the guy again because we pride our selves on making solid ISO spec products. Now this raises the question if the Chinese officials would attempt to tamper with a small manufacturer that "they do not own" or have even a partial ownership of then what would they be tempted to do with a company they actually owned.

Comment Re:This is funny. (Score 1) 198

One small problem with those benches, they are all single threaded bench's. A single core in a T3 tablet is slower than a single core in an iPAD but when you add all four cores in the T3 tablet together they work out faster. So testing cores yes the Apple iPAD 2 would win but when you multi thread the tests (need ICS for that and also the newest barely out of beta bench tests) things look very different.

Comment Lan Parties (Score 1) 412

I have noticed since the crack down more and more people have been taking NAS boxes to LAN parties and sharing files. The reality is I find it easier now to get stuff now than before (download 20 gig per hour on a decent LAN). People will always share stuff especially if they know someone who cant afford it. When I was in college in the 80's we used create our own mix tapes and share them all the time. I did buy music but only stuff I liked and the rest I got was just filler that I deleted after 6 months.

Comment Re:Yes it's totally software, but (Score 4, Interesting) 215

The mantra for the future should be "It's not the hardware or the OS, it is the content stupid". If you can create a device that enables the end user to easily access content of their choosing then you are on a winner. The issue has always been ticking all the boxes, apple was the first to do so and android soon followed. So yes Intel is dead on the money, the hardware is a minor player but at the same time important as it is one of the many tick boxes that must be implemented correctly.

Comment Re:Glad to see Microsoft taking this position (Score 2) 678

Thew sad part about Saudi arabia is the males all do religious studies and the females all do degrees in medicine and accounting. It so bad now that over 70% of the skilled work force is now female and they earn over 60% of the average families income. The male population in the middle east is living a religious none reality.

Comment National Culture (Score 1) 411

I think Copyright should have a none commercial use waver on all national culture of great historical significance ie MLK "I have a dream" speech would be a great example. When people can toll booth a nations cultural history especially with things of great significance it shows how truly broken copyright is.

Comment Re:Nokia Lumia (Score 4, Interesting) 185

I live in Australia and I have yet to see anyone with a WP7 powered device in hand. I catch the train to work every day and the train is full of people using their phones/tablets/tablets/mp3 players to pass the time. If you go to any mobile phone reseller WP7 handsets are never up front and in many cases are not even on display in the shops front window. I can only imagine the numbers Microsoft are showing are stock figures not actual sales especially considering most wholesalers are stocking up as the AUD dollar is very good (I work for a wholesale electronics company and our warehouse is full to be brim).

Comment Re:I tell you this: (Score 1) 315

Just so you can truly see how stupid this article is.. ie changes are in bold.

"Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, sent a letter to all water purification companies on Thursday asserting that said companies are violating U.S. law by allowing groups such as Hezbollah and al Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab to use its water . ... In her letter, Darshan-Leitner noted that Hezbollah and al-Shabaab are officially designated as terrorist organizations under U.S. law. She also cited a 2010 Supreme Court case — Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project — which upheld a key provision of the Patriot Act prohibiting material support to groups designated as terrorist outfits."

Comment Games and Gamers (Score 2) 865

The problem with movies/films/videos is that they are neither truly social or interactive and to be honest they are lately just regurgitation old story lines. On the other hand games are both social and interactive and allow one to escape the reality of life for a few hours a week. If you look at the sales figures for BF3 and COD the type of money being talked about makes Hollywood look like yesterdays cough, game. Also your average consumer has a finite amount of entertainment time and funds so if more and more people are playing games then someone is going to lose out, so I am not surprised movie ticket sales are down or stagnant.

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