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Comment Re:iPod touch (Score 1) 165

because it is what it is, and if the phones where being stolen and never used as phones again then your comment would be fully valid and they wouldn't even need to do this because well they arn't being used as phones. But the stolen phones are being used as phones, not ipod's, sure you could use it as such and i'm sure some would, but based on past usage my bet is that if a stolen phone could no longer be used as a phone, it's less likely to be stolen for that purpose.

Comment Re:Skilcraft U.S. Government, Black, Fine Point (Score 1) 712

From how i read it that would be true if you where to pocket it from the post office. But if you where to buy a box of pens online, say from amazon, the purchase of them would be the authorization to use them as you see fit based on first sale, unless there is a constraint on purchase say how and were you can use them.

Comment Re:Should have done so a while ago. (Score 0) 165

The blacklist/database is at the infrastructural level, it uses the MEID or ESN which is cell radio equivalent to a mac address except that it is truly global (zero collisions). The rest of the world already is using this, its good to see the US come into play on it.

But the basics of it is that if a phone is added to the list it can not register it's self on a carrier network to receive service, meaning that the phone no longer functions as a phone which should drop the usefulness of a stolen phone to near nothing and curb the crime rate for it.

Comment Re:not with a bang, but a little heard whimper. (Score 1) 265

while the higher price for this commodity can and should spur investment in other sources, the requirements to be productive in mining Rare Earths are steep and you can't just put up a plant and have it producing quickly. China already has the mines and plants, they are just idle now. If they want to ramp production they can. This is threat to anyone who wants to start producing this commodity. China could easily just sit back and wait till people start investing then start production again and crash the prices, which would make the investments wasted as that plant can no longer produce competitively.

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