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Comment Re:Bigger question is, what is up with MS Marketin (Score 1) 139

Because Office is not the same as every other 99c fart app on the App store.

The Office app needs special rules because you and MS say it's special. Yeah, that's not a reason. So all the subscription based apps like the WSJ app can do whatever they want because they are special too?.

Which app on the iPad among the million apps following the "rules" is going get more business sales in companies for the iPad apart from Office?

Funny how you defined "business sales" because if you want to talk millions in sales to consumers you have to ignore Pandora, Kindle, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc.

Thus, MS is in a way stronger negotiating position than the developer of a fart sounds app. If you can't understand that simple logic, I have nothing more to say to you.

Lets say Apple demanded 100% instead of 30%, does this mean it's all MS's fault? Who is to say 30% is the "right" amount? You, the MS hater?

If you went to any business in this world and you wanted them to make exceptions for you, you would say it's partially their fault if they say no? What kind of warped sense of entitlement do you have? Can you say to a potential landlord that you want to pay less rent than he's offering and then blame him because he didn't say yes? That the landlord is partially to blame that you were without an apartment.

If I were renting a thousand apartments, yes I would ask the landlord for a discount. That is not a warped sense of entitlement, it's getting a good deal for your company. If you didn't, and paid one of your biggest rival companies extra money you didn't need to, you would be called an unknowing fool and would be fired from any half decent company for wasting money like an idiot. You fail at Negotiating 101. Good that you aren't responsible for big companies' business decisions.

You want to see how Apple might bend rules? Look at this email where an Apple exec was proposing an exception to Amazon books. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57589185-37/apples-eddy-cue-yep-we-caused-e-book-pricing-to-rise/

I honestly can't make out if you're that dense, or your abject MS hate is clouding your logic. I hope it's the latter. And Slashdot moderation shows how it's more about MS hate than insightful comments, no wonder the site is dying as people flee from theirrational hating circlejerk.

Comment Re:No iPad app (Score 1) 139

With Apple, every consumer is chained only to the app store.

iOS users overwhelmingly like having a one-stop-shop with all the apps in. That's one of the things they chose that platform for.

It wasn't sprung on them as a change from previous practice. Indeed before the Apple Store, the mobile app market was tiny. Apple's one-stop-shop popularised phone apps.

And you're pulling this data from where exactly? Your intuition?

Is that why so millions of people fall over themselves to jailbreak the phones?


Looks like you're falling victim to ex post facto reasoning and attributing Stockholm syndrome to iOS users.

Comment Re:Bigger question is, what is up with MS Marketin (Score 1) 139

This is the same for everyone not specially created for MS. MS wanted Apple to change the rules for them and how is that Apple's fault if they said no?

Because Office is not the same as every other 99c fart app on the App store.

Which app on the iPad among the million apps following the "rules" is going get more business sales in companies for the iPad apart from Office? That's a ton of $$$ if you count the huge margins on iPads. Thus, MS is in a way stronger negotiating position than the developer of a fart sounds app. If you can't understand that simple logic, I have nothing more to say to you.

Also, the ads didn't say it was Apple's fault. They said there is no Office for the iPad. If Apple was more greedy, then, as I said it's "partly Apple's fault".

Comment Re:No iPad app (Score 1) 139

But there are a lot of retailers and etailers and there's competition around their margin.. You can buy Office at Staples, Office Depot, Walmart, Fry's, Microcenter or buy it online from a whole ton of places. With Apple, every consumer is chained only to the app store.

Comment Re:Bigger question is, what is up with MS Marketin (Score 0) 139

A few weeks ago Microsoft released an ad on TV comparing the iPad and the Surface. One "selling point" was the iPad lacks Office. (I mean, bashing a competitor because you didn't port your software to their platform of all things?)

Then, Microsoft releases Office for iOS? Such disorganization.

There is no Office for iPad.
Atleast read the post titles of the top two posts before rushing to post your two cents you think are worth millions.

As usual it's typical summary fail.

One "selling point" was the iPad lacks Office. (I mean, bashing a competitor because you didn't port your software to their platform of all things?)

Also, read the part of the summary where it says Apple's forced 30% cut was keeping Office for iPad on hold, so Apple deserves part of the blame for that and the ad is justified in flaunting Office on Windows RT and Windows 8.

Another difference is that you can plug in a mouse to Windows RT/8 and a proper keyboard, so it makes sense to have the full Office run on it, unlike the crippled iPad.

Comment Re:Says a lot! (Score 4, Informative) 154

Typical Slashdot ignorant bullshit again.


Business Division (ie, Office): $24B
Windows & Windows Live: $18.8B
Server & Tools: $18.7B
Entertainment & Devices: $9.5B
Online Services: $3B.

Operating Profit in one quarter:

Operating Income by Division FY13 Q3:

Windows: $3.46B
Server and Tools: $1.98B
Online Services: -$262 M (loss)
Business: $4.1B
Entertainment and Devices: $342M

Comment Re: That doesn't fix anything (Score 1) 581

Posted this in another comment too... but here we go:

How is this any worse than all the cellphones/laptops/desktops/tablets with mics and cameras? Won't a simple software update to them enable the exact same thing? Okay, most laptop and desktop cams have a hardwired light that turns on, but almost all phones and tablets dont. How is the Xbox One any worse?

Comment Not only the One? (Score 1) 581

Not sure I am getting you, how is this any worse than all the cellphones/laptops/desktops/tablets with mics and cameras? Won't a simple software update to them enable the exact same thing? Okay, most laptop and desktop cams have a hardwired light that turns on, but almost all phones and tablets dont.

  Why is the Xbox One being singled out here?

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