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Comment Re:In three years... (Score 1) 152

If you abstract it enough, then of course they're going to look the same. A PC is the same as a dumb terminal if you don't care about what's behind the keyboard. Both let you type stuff in and then the screen prints out results. All the points of differences you basically agreed with, then pointed out that if you look at it from farther back then it's the same.

Comment Re:In three years... (Score 1) 152

Functionally, there are vague similarities to a mainframe (both are used for computing), but there are many differences.
A mainframe is a centralized computer, cloud services are typically distributed among many machines.
A mainframe is designed for reliability, cloud services are designed for easy fallback to an identical machine
A mainframe is made from expensive customized computer parts, cloud services are average servers
A mainframe is limited in how much it can scale, cloud services can just keep adding servers to meet customer demand

Comment Re:In three years... (Score 1) 152

The difference between the cloud services we see these days and typical servers from the past is that cloud services are typically designed to scale easily by adding new servers on the fly or servers in multiple locations. Of course plenty of traditional services are jumping on the cloud bandwagon which isn't helping with the confusion.

Comment Re:Don't they have an fiber to the node cable netw (Score 1) 229

The ONT is typically placed in the building. I've had fiber in two locations - one had it run to the basement where I used the MOCA connection over the cable line to my router, the other it's in the closet by my apartment door where I run ethernet. They do have trouble with ethernet because they assume you use coax and don't all know how to activate it.

Comment Re:All your tax avoidance schemes are done (Score 1) 293

Point 3: the transaction is deemed to take place at the location of the business. That is the only workable way to do it: the transaction doesn't take place at the purchaser's location, because companies would have to keep track of tens of thousands of individual taxing districts throughout the country, and put up with tens of thousands of different sets of regulations concerning how to collect and distribute the taxes. That won't work. Even today, when computers could tell you what the taxes are, keeping track of how much tax to collect, and all the different reporting and payment requirements, would only be possible for giant corporations. Small companies would be out of business.

There's software that does it - even a small business can do it. What a small business can't do as easily as a large one is "relocate" its headquarters to a state with no sales tax (rent a one room office with mailing address there).

Comment Re:50% dumber. (Score 1) 495

It's like how Linux gives you more control to customize your machine through the CLI. You get more control over the backend at the expense of losing convenience in the front end. Many people want that extra control, while others are just fine with leaving it to a machine and wouldn't gain any benefit based on their usage if they didn't have it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
